
  1. 他们不仅重视福利的消费效果,而且研究福利的消费方式。

    They not only attach importance to the staff welfare effects , but also study the way of the consumption patterns of welfare .

  2. 至于在达拉斯滑雪,吸引消费的效果肯定压过商业街。

    As for skiing in Dallas , it surely trumps the mall .

  3. 然而当人们已经餍足且对于未来缺乏信心时,刺激消费的效果可能很有限。

    But when people are already satiate and lack of confidence in their future , the promotion of consumption might has limited effect .

  4. 自原油价格去年开始下滑以来,多数经济学家和政策制定者预期经济增长将会加快,原因是更便宜的能源提振石油进口国消费的效果,将超出其对产油国的负面影响。

    Since crude prices began to slide last year , most economists and policy makers have expected growth to accelerate because the boost cheaper energy would give to consumption in oil-importing countries would outweigh the negative impact on oil producing nations .

  5. 消费集成的效果取决于消费者的获益程度,消费集成有利于实现消费者效用最大化。

    The effect of consumption congestion relys on the degree of consumer benefits , namely the maximization of consumer benefits .

  6. 各地政府采取相应政策刺激消费,但效果不是很显著,所以对城镇居民收入差距与消费需求之间的关系进行研究在一定程度上有着实际意义。

    Local governments adopt policies to stimulate consumption , but the effect is not very significant . So the relationship , between the urban residents ' income gap and consumer demand study , has practical significance to a certain extent .

  7. 70年代石油危机后美国的石油消费政策及其实施效果

    US 's Oil Consumption Policies and their Effects following the 1970s-Oil-Crises

  8. 医院门诊预存消费模式的应用效果评价分析

    Outpatient deposit consumption model application effective evaluation

  9. 政府为抑制通货紧缩采取了一系列宏观财政政策和货币政策来刺激投资和消费需求,但效果并不明显。

    The government has taken a package of fiscal and monetary policy measures to stimulate investment and consumption demand .

  10. 从刺激消费政策的实践效果分析,政策失效的特征较为明显。

    From the practice effect of the stimulating consumption policy point , the character of disabled policy is obvious .

  11. 然而,许多中国经济学家和医疗专家都不相信,最新的医改措施,将对国民储蓄习惯和推动转向更多消费产生立竿见影的效果。

    Many Chinese economists and health experts are unconvinced , however , that the latest reforms will have any immediate impact on savings habits and on spurring a shift to more consumption .

  12. 导致消费券的政策效果存在差距的原因主要是以下三点:首先,两阶段消费券所指向产品的收入&消费弹性不同。

    There are three causes that lead to the different effects of policies of coupons . First , the coupons of the two-phase point to the different products with various income & consumption elasticity .

  13. 在东部、中部地区,进口对于提升城乡居民的消费福利水平的效果更为显著;而在西部地区,出口在提升城乡居民消费福利水平的过程中扮演了更为重要的角色。

    In the east China and middle China , import improves the level of consumption welfare much more obviously , while in the west China , export is playing a more important role in this field .

  14. 实证结果显示,卷烟消费税对卷烟消费的调控效果较为明显,而酒消费税对酒消费的调控力度较小。

    The result showed the control effect of cigarette excise taxes on cigarette consumption is more obvious , while the smaller control efforts of the alcohol excise tax on alcohol consumption .

  15. 汽车消费税对不同排量汽车消费的调控效果呈现差异性,相对于中高排量的汽车而言,微型汽车的消费对消费税的变动不敏感。

    Vehicle excise showing differences in the regulation effect of the different displacement car consumption , relative to the high displacement vehicles , the consumption of micro-car is not sensitive to changes of excise .

  16. 通过对从市场调取的妇女卫生巾消费品数据的实证分析,验证了快速消费品促销效果评估模型的可行性。

    An analysis is carried out into the data of women 's sanitary napkin collected from the market , which confirms the feasibility of the model discussed in this paper .