
  1. 静压推力轴承是重型数控加工设备的主要部件,它的性能优劣直接影响设备的加工质量和运行效率。

    Hydrostatic thrust bearing is critical component in heavy type numerical control processes equipment , the capability of which directly impact the quality and operational efficiency of the processes equipment .

  2. 国产重型数控加工设备目前存在的主要问题是工作台转盘的旋转速度较国外同类产品低,生产效率低,加工精度差。

    The problem , which is existed in the domestic heavy numerical control process equipment at present , is that the rotation speed of the working table is lower than that of abroad and it has low efficiency and precision .

  3. 重型车床切削加工中的工艺问题

    Process problem in heavy lathe machining

  4. 恒加载力高速重负荷荒磨是大型钢坯修磨和重型轧辊粗加工的基础工艺。

    Rough grinding with constant loading force and high-speed heavy-duty is the basic process for large steel conditioning and heavy roll rough machining .

  5. 但是,我国重型精密数控加工中心的加工精度同国外同类机床相比,还存在着非常大的差距,这严重地阻碍了我国制造业的发展。

    However , in comparison with the machining accuracy of foreign CNC machining center , there is a tremendous gap in the machining accuracy , which severely impedes our development of manufacture .

  6. 在多体动力学理论基础上,利用软件ADAMS以及ANSYS构建了集成的系统平台.在此基础上,对重型数控机床深孔加工动力减振镗杆的设计进行了仿真验证。

    This article uses advanced software & ADAMS and ANSYS to build the integrated system platform based on theory of Dynamics of Multi-body System , and validate the accuracy of the design for heavy NC machine tools dynamical vibration absorption boring bar for deep-hole processing .

  7. 关于重型超长轴的加工工艺探讨

    Processing technology for heavy - duty extra - long shaft

  8. 重型数控机床深孔加工动力减振镗杆的设计与仿真

    Design and Simulation of Heavy NC Machine Tool Dynamical Vibration Absorption Boring Bar for Deep-hole Processing

  9. 针对重型机械厂机加工车间特点,文中根据两种典型的机器及设备的原则布置(工艺原则布置、产品原则布置)分别提出了与之对应的改善方案。

    According to the features of machine workshop in heavy machinery , it gives out the improvements method of the layout principles ( process layout principle , product layout principle ) for these two typical machines and equipments .

  10. 重型切削的特点是被加工件的尺寸和重量都很大(最大可达几百吨),因此重型切削加工用立式车床回转直径可达到10余米。

    The characteristics of the heavy-duty cutting are that both the size and the weight of the parts are large ( up to several hundred tons ), as a result , the diameter of gyration of the large scale vertical lathe is about 10 meters .

  11. 重型立车作为一种重要的重型加工设备,可以通过提高其自动化程度达到提高工作效率的目的。

    As an important heavy processing equipment , the heavy vertical should increase the efficiency by improved the degree of automatic .