
  • 网络Backward Linkage;backward-linkage
  1. FDI的后向联系效应、金融发展与知识产权保护&以中国电子及通讯设备制造业为例

    Backward Linkage of FDI , Financial Development and Intellectual Property Protection : Evidence from Electronic and Telecommunications Equipments Sector in China

  2. 苏州、宁波和无锡可以依靠新兴产业建立后向联系,进而催生产业聚集。

    Through relying on emerging industries with the establishment of backward linkage , Suzhou , Ningbo and Wuxi would benefit from industrial gathering .

  3. 然后开始第二轮的后向联系和前向联系,从而进入一个积累性因果循环。

    Then , the second round begins and enters a circulation of cumulative causation .

  4. 本文主要研究子系统多样化程度的变化趋势和子系统与学习和后向联系的关系,研究表明,随着产业的进化,子系统多样化程度会降低。

    This paper mainly concerns with the changing tendency of a variety of subsystem and the relations among subsystems , learning and backward linkages .

  5. 在许多情况下影响经营,通过前向和后向联系,为跨国公司提供培训和技术援助,以自己的本地供应商、分包商、顾客等。

    In many cases , the effects operate through forward and backward linkages , as MNCs provide training and technical assistance to their local suppliers , subcontractors , and customers .

  6. 因此,总装企业需要加强与国内供应商的后向联系,以创造更广和更多样化的知识基础,尤其在关键零部件和生产设备的生产和设计方面。

    Assemblers need to create a broad-based and diversified knowledge base through strengthening backward linkages with domestic suppliers , especially with regard to design and production of key components and equipment .

  7. 通过实地调研外国子公司与当地配套企业联系的具体情况,分析二者后向联系中存在的现实问题,文章提出了相应的政策建议。

    The paper , through a field investigation of the linkage between the foreign affiliates and their local firms in Tianjin , points out the existing problems in the backward linkages together with relevant suggestions .

  8. 从外国子公司到本国企业的后向联系是东道国提高吸引外资效率的关键;而本国供应商的可得性、成本与质量是决定有效联系的基本要素。

    Backward linkages from foreign affiliates to local firms are the key factor for the host country to attract FDI while the availability and quality of the local suppliers plus the cost determine an effective linkage .

  9. 物流产业在此扮演着一个特殊的角色,他既具有前向联系效应,又具有后向联系效应,即能够带动一系列相关产业的发展,又能够推动一系列相关产业的发展。

    Logistics industry is a special roles , it not only has the effect of forward linkages , but also has the effect of backward linkages , that is , to promote a series of the development of relevant industries .

  10. 国内外对于外商直接投资技术溢出效应的研究主要集中在行业内部,而随着跨国公司全球采购的进行,外商直接投资后向联系的作用也日益凸显。

    Research from home and abroad mainly lies in the area of FDI spillover effects within industries . As the global procurement of multinational enterprises appears in recent years , the role of backward linkages from multinational enterprises has become increasingly prominent .

  11. 调整后向生产联系的定义。

    To adjust the definition of Cost linkage .