
  • 网络post Keynesian;post-keynesian economics
  1. 考虑与货币发行相关的制度因素在货币供给上的效应,是制度型内生货币理论与后凯恩斯主义的需求决定型内生货币理论之间的关键区别。

    To consider the effects of the institutions that are relevant to currency issue on the behaviors of currency supply , it is key distinction between the institutional endogeneity of money and the post Keynesian demand-determined endogeneity of money .

  2. 后凯恩斯主义的企业定价模型&成本加成定价原理

    Post - Keynesian Enterprise Pricing Model & on the Principle of Cost-Oriented Pricing

  3. 本文采用了不同于古典及后凯恩斯主义的方法,将累积因果纳入其中。

    This paper attempts to integrate cumulative facilities in it , which is different with Classical and Post-Keynesian method .

  4. 在一定意义上说,作为后凯恩斯主义经济学的新剑桥学派,实际上是凯恩斯、哈罗德、斯拉法和卡莱茨基的大融合。

    To some extent , Neo-Cambridge School as post-Keynes economics is in fact a fusion of Keynes , Harrod , and .

  5. 在理论分析部分,本文分析了货币政策中介目标的性质和功能,之后,比较分析凯恩斯主义学派、货币主义学派以及后凯恩斯主义学派的相关理论,各学派的相关理论都有其合理之处。

    First , for the part of theoretical analyses , the author analyzes the properties and functions of intermediate target of monetary policy . Later on , the author makes a comparative study of some related theories coming from Keynesian school , Monetarism school and Post - Keynesian school .

  6. 20世纪30年代资本主义世界大危机后产生的凯恩斯主义彻底改变了古典公债观,它主张通过发行国债来实行赤字财政政策,刺激社会有效需求,以实现经济的稳定与增长。

    After the Great Crisis in the thirties of twenties Century , there came Keynesian Economics which is totally different from the former concept , holding that to carry out deficit policy stimulates domestic effective demand for economic stability and growth via issuing treasure bonds .