
  1. 两位外长均曾在德国西部吉森的同一所大学就读。谢弗表示,二人从始至终以德语交流,在场的其他几名官员也是。

    The ministers , who studied at the same university in Giessen in western Germany , spoke German throughout , as did several of the other officials present , Sch ä fer said .

  2. 斯塔布斯这么做是有原因的,她和康伯巴奇的妈妈万达?泛森是同时代的演员,康伯巴奇小时候她们还曾是邻居。

    But she has good reason : Stubbs is an acting contemporary of Cumberbatch 's mother Wanda Ventham , and used to live around the corner from her when Cumberbatch was a child .