
  1. 任何单位和个人不得挪用森林植被恢复费。

    No organization and private individual shall divert the forest vegetation recovery payments .

  2. 征占用林地征收森林植被恢复费存在问题的探讨

    Discussion on Problems in Charging for Forest Vegetation Restoration Costs owning to Expropriation & Occupation of Forestland

  3. 这是我恢复体形的方式。任何单位和个人不得挪用森林植被恢复费。

    That 's the way I 'm getting back into shape . No organization and private individual shall divert the forest vegetation recovery payments .

  4. 县级以上人民政府审计机关应当加强对森林植被恢复费使用情况的监督。

    The competent auditing authorities of the people 's government above the county level shall strengthen their supervision of the situation in connection with the use of the forest vegetation recovery payments .