
  • 网络forest food
  1. 森林食品产业是林业产业的重要组成。

    Forest food industry is one of important parts of forest industry .

  2. 丰宁县森林食品资源现状及开发利用前景

    Present situation of forest food resources in Fengning County and their utilization prospect

  3. 我国森林食品资源及其开发利用现状

    Resources and Current Situations of Exploitation and Utilization of Forest Foodstuff in China

  4. 森林食品及其国际贸易和生产趋势

    Forest Food and Its International Trade and Production

  5. 基于SWOT+AHP方法的黑龙江省森林食品产业发展战略定位研究

    Strategic Orientation of Heilongjiang Forest Food Industry Development Based on " SWOT AHP " Method

  6. 其它美味可口的森林食品

    but other tasty forest food too .

  7. 切实保证山核桃质量安全,促进山核桃产业发展及森林食品行业壮大。

    It could ensure the quality and safety of hickories , to promote the industry development and forest food industry growth .

  8. 森林食品产业是最具有发展潜力的林区接续产业之一,是林区经济新的增长点。

    Forest food industry is one of the most potential subsequent forest zone industry and is the new growing point of forest zone economy .

  9. 随着社会的发展和人类生活水平的提高,开发利用森林食品具有重要的现实意义。

    With the development of society and the improvement of human 's living standards , there are great realistic significances in exploiting and utilizing forest foodstuff .

  10. 宜宾梦幻森林食品有限公司成功开发的极品竹燕窝,让您可以在豪华大酒店的觥筹交错中,尝到更加精致的竹燕窝菜品。

    YiBin dreamy forest food Co. , LTD has successfully developed the best birds nest , making you enjoy the more delicate and tasty bamboos dishes in luxury hotel more easily .

  11. 在此基础上,结合我国森林食品产业发展的特征,导出森林食品产业的需求模型。以期为森林食品产业组织的完善及竞争力的提升提供市场需求的理论分析依据。

    On this basis , combining the characteristic of food industry development in China , it comes the demand model of the forest food industry , expecting to better forest food industrial organization and its competitiveness promotion .

  12. 在我国,生产森林食品的非木质树种(大多数被称之为经济树种)在提高农民收入,发展农村经济方面起着十分重要的作用。

    In our country , non-timber species involved in the production of forest food ( mostly referred to as economic species ) play an important role in increasing farmers ' income and developing economy of the rural area .

  13. 比较研究森林食品产业现有的发展模式及发展趋势,结合黑龙江省森林食品产业发展的实际情况,建立了适应黑龙江省林区体制改革与资源约束的森林食品产业发展的新型模式。

    Incorporating the actual situation of forest food industry in Heilongjiang Province , it established a new development model of forest food industry which applies to the system reformation in Heilongjiang forestry zone and resources constraint in Heilongjiang Province .

  14. 森林认证发展与对策探讨国际森林认证与我国森林食品的生产

    International certification of non-timber forest products and forest food production in China