
  • 网络forest carbon sink;forest carbon sequestration
  1. 木材价格的变化也会对森林碳汇的供给产生影响。

    Timber price changes will impact the supply of forest carbon sinks .

  2. 森林碳汇是化解温室气体效应的重要途径之一,中国在这一危机治理途径上开展了一系列的植树造林与森林碳汇的行动。

    Forest Carbon Sinks is one important solution to defuse the effect of greenhouse gases .

  3. CDM下的森林碳汇项目给我国林业发展带来的机遇

    The Opportunity Brought to China by the Forestry Carbon Sequestration Projects under CDM

  4. 浅议我国林业发展中基于CDM的森林碳汇

    The Forestry Carbon Sequestration Projects under CDM in the Forestry Development in China

  5. 同时还对湖南14个市州的森林碳汇及其经济价值分别进行了估算,并进一步对通过林业建设实现CO2减排进行了探讨。

    In addition the capacity of carbon sequestration of forest ecosystem and its economic value were estimated for each of the 14 municipalities in Hunan . Finally emission reduction of CO_2 through forest establishment was discussed .

  6. 最终选取了最优控制模型和布莱克-斯科尔斯(B-S)期权定价方法,对未来我国森林碳汇市场交易的价格进行计算,为我国建立碳汇市场及其定价提供理论依据。

    Finally , the optimum control model and the Black-Scholes option pricing methods will be combined to estimate the future trading price of the domestic forest carbon sinks and to provide a reference for establishing the forest carbon market in China .

  7. 对我国开展森林碳汇贸易工作进行了宏观设计。

    Advancing macro-designing to develop forest carbon-sink trade in our country ;

  8. 基于交易成本理论的森林碳汇交易研究

    Study on the Forest Carbon-Sink Trade Based on the Transaction Cost Theory

  9. 河南省实施森林碳汇项目的潜力分析

    Potential Analysis of Implementation of the Forest Carbon Sink Project in Henan

  10. 城市化过程中余杭市森林碳汇动态

    Dynamic Carbon Sink of Forests in Yuhang City with the Development of Urbanization

  11. 黑龙江林业的发展应该关注森林碳汇问题

    Forest Carbon Sink In Forestry Development Of Heilongjiang Province

  12. 森林碳汇市场的演进及展望

    The Evolvement and Prospect of Forest Carbon Sinks Market

  13. 中国森林碳汇功能的成本效益分析

    The BrAC analysis of the ability to pool carbon by forest in China

  14. 森林碳汇服务市场交易成本问题研究

    Study on Transaction Costs of Forest Carbon-sink Service Market

  15. 基于市场分析的森林碳汇绿色营销模式构建

    Building of Green Marketing Model of Forest Carbon Sequestration based on Market Analysis

  16. 森林碳汇经济问题研究

    Research on Economic Problem of Forestry Carbon Sink

  17. 概述国内外森林碳汇交易市场现状,分析中国森林生态交易市场的潜力和存在的问题。

    The actuality and potentiality of forest carbon trade market at home and abroad were expounded .

  18. 森林碳汇是实现低碳的主要手段之一。

    Carbon sequestration by the forests is one of primary means to achieve " low-carbon " .

  19. 森林碳汇服务的经济学分析&基于产权角度看森林碳汇服务交易

    Economics Analysis on the Service of Carbon Sink & Based on the Angle of the Property Right

  20. 可见,不同年龄的森林碳汇能力有明显差异。

    Thus , there was a significant difference between different age forest ' secosystem carbon sink ability .

  21. 模型的构建主要集中在三个方面,能源碳排放、水泥碳排放、森林碳汇。

    Model focused on three aspects : energy carbon emissions , cement carbon emissions , forest carbon sinks .

  22. 随着市场的发展,期货市场是森林碳汇市场发展的必然选择。

    With the development of the market , the futures market is the inevitable choice of forest carbon .

  23. 全球气候变暖已成为不争的事实,森林碳汇是应对气候变化的有效措施。

    Global warming has become an indisputable fact . Forests play an important role in dealing with global change .

  24. 鉴于各区域的森林碳汇压力,我国各区域需要大力发展以增汇为主的碳汇林业。

    Given the great pressure of the regional forest carbon sinks , we need to develop carbon sequestration forestry .

  25. 因此,对森林碳汇期货市场化基本要素研究,对有效推进森林碳汇项目在我国的实施、促进森林碳汇市场发展,为我国建立森林碳汇期货市场做准备具有重要的理论意义和现实意义。

    So research the elements of forest carbon market has great theoretical significance and practical significance to our country .

  26. 在某种程度上讲,森林碳汇将会扩展一个国家经济和社会发展的空间。

    In some sense , forest carbon sink will extend the development space of economy and society in a country .

  27. 提出我国林业面对森林碳汇新问题应该采取的对策。

    Putting forward some countermeasures against the new problems of forest carbon sink in our forestry sector of our country .

  28. 加快国土绿化进程,增加森林碳汇,新增造林面积不低于8880万亩。

    We will accelerate afforestation , increase forest carbon sinks and expand our forests by at least 5.92 million hectares .

  29. 在应对气候变化,提升森林碳汇能力的过程中,必须考虑到区域因素。

    In the process of addressing climate change , and enhance forest carbon sinks , we must take into account regional factors .

  30. 然后,对阻碍森林碳汇市场的政策环境、买方和卖方的相关制约因素进行了讨论。

    And then , the relative restricted factors of policy , purchasers and bargainors to embarrass forest carbon sinks market were discussed .