
  • 网络information use
  1. 重视信息使用发展情报科学&知识创新管理信息分析初探

    Information Use and Development of Information Science & Information Analysis of Knowledge Innovation Management

  2. 再次,应加强对公民信息使用的监管力度,执法必严。

    Again , should strengthen the supervision of the citizen information use , be strict in enforcing the law .

  3. internet日历基于以下全球internet标准,即无论创建或查看日历信息使用何种应用程序,都允许交换该信息。

    Internet calendars are based upon a global Internet standard that allows calendar information to be exchanged regardless of the application that is used to create or view the information .

  4. 类似于Dictionary和RegularExpression操作器,找到的实体能够映射到数据库表的列,经过进一步处理之后可作为结构化信息使用。

    Similar to the Dictionary and Regular Expression operators , the found entities are mapped to database table columns and can be further processed and used like other structured information .

  5. 工程实践证明,具有嵌入式Web服务器功能的应用系统突破了数据通讯传统方式的限制,提高了信息使用的效率。

    Moreover , the security methods in the EWS application are discussed . The engineering practice shows that the application system with the EWS breaks through the restriction of traditional communication technique , and raises the efficiency of information usage .

  6. 对于低频信息使用Canny算子进行边缘检测,而高频信息先用相邻尺度小波系数相乘的方法去除噪声,消噪后再对高频分量进行边缘检测。

    Then , the Canny operator is used for low-frequency information during edge detection , while the high-frequency component is detected after noise removal through multiplying the wavelet coefficients on adjacent scales .

  7. 广告传播的信息使用策略

    Using a operator that E. Information Tactics in Advertisement Communication

  8. 该隐私权声明揭示了我们将收集哪些收集以及信息使用方法。

    This privacy statement discloses what information we gather and how we use it .

  9. 农业信息使用成本居高不下;

    High use cost of agricultural information ;

  10. 接收方对违反机密信息使用程序所引起的损失负责。

    The receiving party is responsible for damages caused by violation of procedure for use of confidential information .

  11. 在具体的广义盈余信息使用策略中,笔者认为:其一,静态盈余的方式显然简单明了,近期适用于个人投资者。

    Firstly , the static earnings information is simple and clear , and they recently fit for the application to individual investors .

  12. 本网站纯粹为资讯网站,是针对摩奇地带公司客户查询资料和信息使用,并没有其他运营成分和收入。

    This website is to service Mobizone customers in China , for internal information usage only , and with no commercial operation .

  13. 实际上,存储、交换、查看和操作信息使用的格式都是相同的。

    In fact , the same format of information may be used to store information , exchange information , and view and manipulate information .

  14. 从大量优秀广告中归纳出来的信息使用方式,可视为广告信息传播的策略模式。

    Ways information is delivered are summed up from excellent examples of advertisement which can be regarded as tactics model of advertisement information communication .

  15. 这个解决方案是基于支持接近实时的快速数据访问和交互式信息使用的软件与硬件架构。

    The solution is based on software and hardware architectures that deliver speed of data access for near real time and interactive use of information .

  16. 所有规格仅有英文,但是询问界面和背景信息使用英文、法文、西班牙文、阿拉伯文和中文。

    All specifications are in English only , but the query interface and background information are provided in english , french , spanish , Arabic and chinese .

  17. 随着现代数据隐藏技术的发展,对各种信息使用类似自然界保护色原理的办法来处理,极大的缩小了这些隐藏数据的危险性。

    With the development of modern data hiding technique , the protection of various information based on similar nature-color-protection principle will greatly reduce the danger of hidden data .

  18. 在此基础上,提出了客户信息使用的6大原则:互惠互利、数据安全、无利益冲突、利益合理分配、保障客户体验和合法合规;

    The former include mutual benefit and reciprocity , data security , no interest conflict , reasonable benefit allocation , guarantee on client experience and compliance with relevant laws and regulations .

  19. 本文对已有的一般纳税人信息使用该技术生成一棵判定树,来预测一般纳税人纳税的诚信度:是诚信纳税还是有偷税嫌疑?

    In this paper , we used this technology to produce a decision tree based on existing general taxpayer 's information and predict their credit according to the output of the decision tree .

  20. 这意味着下推相同数据源上的表之间的连接,在适用的情况下自动使用探测类型查找,在查询执行时,根据已有的索引和统计信息使用最有效的连接技术。

    This may mean pushing down joins between tables on the same data source , automatically using probe type lookups where appropriate , and using the most efficient join technique based upon indexes and statistical information available at the time the query is executed .

  21. 我非常擅长在线查找信息和使用MicrosoftOffice。"

    I am quite skilled at finding information online and using Microsoft Office . "

  22. 他们在网上搜索信息,使用应用程序或通过QQ和微信进行讨论。

    They search information online , use apps or discuss through QQ and WeChat .

  23. 请求度量工具中的信息可以使用标准应用程序请求度量(ApplicationRequestMeasurement)基础结构访问。

    The information from the request metrics instrumentation can be accessed using the standard Application Request Measurement infrastructure .

  24. 核心网络仅维护其本身的QoS信息并使用QoS路由,而不保存每流状态;

    The core only maintains its own QoS information without saving per-flow state .

  25. DB2优化器对分布统计信息的使用&示例

    Usage of distribution statistics by the DB2 optimizer-A sample

  26. 在本文中,您看到了DB2优化器对分布统计信息的使用。

    In this article , you have taken a look at the use of distribution statistics by the DB2 optimizer .

  27. DiskUsage选项卡显示关于ER在节点处使用的空间的三个区域的信息和使用情况统计数据。

    The Disk Usage tab shows information and usage statistics about the three areas of space used by ER at the node .

  28. 所列出的支持资源由IBM支持团队亲手挑选,可作为提高技术和进行故障诊断的信息工具使用。

    The support resources listed are hand-selected by IBM support teams and act as informational vehicles for skills enhancement , as well as troubleshooting .

  29. 一般可以采用HTTP协议来传送控制信息,使用RTP/UDP协议来传输实时多媒体数据。

    RTSP remotely control data transmission . Generally control information is transmitted by HTTP and multimedia data are transmitted by RTP / UDP .

  30. 通过为Google地图提供一些位置信息(使用地址或坐标的形式),就可以构建一个可视化地表示该位置的地图。

    By giving Google Maps some location information ( in the form of addresses or coordinates ), you can build a map that signifies that location visually .