
  1. 本公司被授予省级重合同、守信誉企业。

    The company is confered to contract-abiding and trustworthy enterprise of Jiangxi province .

  2. 中国商业发展中心授予“质量、服务、信誉AAA企业。”

    China Business Development Center awarded the " quality , service , credit AAA enterprise . "

  3. 从契约到信誉:企业行为分析的新视角

    From Contract to Credit : A New Perspective on Enterprise Behavior

  4. 信誉是企业良性发展的基石;

    Good credit is dispensable to the development of enterprises ;

  5. 建立质量信誉树立企业形象

    Establishing Quality honesty to set up enterprise s reputation

  6. 质量是企业的生命,信誉是企业的宗旨。

    Quality is the life of the enterprise , the credit is the purpose .

  7. 在市场经济中,信誉是企业生存和发展的重要资本。

    Integrity is a firm 's important capital to its existence and development in market economy .

  8. 质量和信誉是企业之本

    Quality and reputation-the roots of enterprises

  9. 本公司始终坚持质量是企业的生命,创新就是力量,信誉是企业的未来!

    The company insists that quality is life , innovation is power , reputation is the future !

  10. 高信誉的企业从产品设计开发到售后服务都为用户做了质量承诺。

    The enterprises with higher reputation make quality promise from product design and development to after sales service .

  11. 北京市工商行政管理局授予北京市现代建筑材料公司为“重合同、守信誉”企业。

    The company was named " A Trustworthy Business Entity " by Beijing Administrative Bureau of Business and Commerce .

  12. 质量、服务、信誉是企业产品品牌的核心,是企业可持续发展的基础和根本。

    Quality , service and credit are three core elements of an enterprise 's brand , by which an enterprise gains sustainable development .

  13. 公司本着质量是企业的生命,信誉是企业的未来,诚信是企业的根本,服务于顾客。

    This company serves the customers with quality as life of the enterprise , credit as future , and faith as the base .

  14. 九四年公司被中华工商联合社列入中国信誉优良企业名典。

    Our company is listed in Famous Dictionary of Good Credit Enterprise of China by Association of Industry and commerce of china in1994 .

  15. 梨树县教育印刷厂坚持以人为本、德办厂、信誉为企业生命的宗旨。

    Lishu County educates the printing shop to persist humanist , manages the factory , by the prestige take Germany as the enterprise life objective .

  16. 成立以来,我们视质量和信誉为企业灵魂,在国内外均享有良好声誉。

    Since its establishment , depending on the quality and credibility of our enterprise spirit , our factory enjoy a good reputation at home and abroad .

  17. 从合作伙伴关系的角度出发,提出从质量水平、企业信誉、企业能力、合作程度四个层面来构建供应商评价指标体系。

    From the perspective of partnership , this paper puts forward the establishment of the target system for supplier evaluation in terms of quality , reputation , competence and cooperation .

  18. 我们坚信优良的产品及信誉是企业发展的重要保证,以灵活、随和及全力以赴的心态满足个性化的需求。

    We believe firmly that fine products and prestige are the important insurance of enterprise 's development , meet the individualized demand with the flexible , amiable and allout psychology .

  19. 在赢得广大用户大力支持的同时,不断提高自身服务水平,坚持以人为本、以德办厂、以信誉为企业生命的宗旨。

    While wins which the user community support vigorously , raises own service level unceasingly , insisted that humanist , runs factory take Germany , by the prestige as the enterprise life objective .

  20. 研究结果表明:信誉影响企业信任、风险和支出;信誉与信任呈正相关性,与风险和支出呈负相关性;

    Results of the study show that reputation affects business ' trust , risk , and expenditure , and reputation is in right proportion to trust while risk is in inverse proportion to expenditure .

  21. 深入分析了商标与广告的关系,阐明了商标信誉在企业竞争机制中的作用。三是对商标在垄断中的作用进行了较为深入的分析,这是用内已有的研究中较少涉及的课题。

    It also analyzes the relationship between trademarks and advertising and illuminates the role of enterprise credibility in enterprise competitive mechanism . Third , it makes detail analysis of the role of trademark in monopoly , which existing research involves little .

  22. 金融企业的能否良性运行与发展,与金融企业自身的信誉和企业形象有着密切的关系,而金融从业人员的自身职业道德修养的高低体现了所在金融企业的整体素质和形象。

    The operation and development of financial enterprise is closely related to the reputation and image of the financial enterprise ; while , the professional ethics level of financial employed persons has reflected the overall quality and image of the enterprise .

  23. 从交易契约到个人信誉&关于企业领导权威的理论探讨

    From Transaction Contract to Personal Reputation : A Theoretical Research on Firm Leader Authority

  24. 商业标识象征着商品或服务的信誉,是企业无形价值的载体。

    Business identity of goods or services , is invisible to the value of the carrier .

  25. 高科技、高起点、高品技、高信誉是正大企业永恒的追求。

    Were insisting our will on our way in the perusing high-tech , high starting line , to quality .

  26. 随着国际商业竞争的不断加剧,面对越来越挑剔的追求高附加值产品的消费者,产品质量与信誉已经成为企业经营成败的关键因素。

    With the development of international business market , Credit standing and quality become the most critical factors for all companies to achieve success .

  27. 所以用户在购买家用中央空调的时候,一定要选择服务佳、信誉好的企业,以保障自己的利益。

    So the user is in the purchase of household central air-conditioning , must choose best service and good reputation enterprise , to ensure their own interests .

  28. 出口产品的信誉是出口企业信誉的核心,并成为出口企业核心竞争力的重要组成部分。

    The reputation of export products is the core of the reputation of export enterprises , and becomes an important component of the core competitiveness of export enterprises .

  29. 互联网不仅仅是企业与其客户及商业伙伴沟通的渠道,更是企业建立其信誉、树立企业形象和打造企业品牌的平台。

    Internet not only offers the channel for communication between enterprises and their customers and business partners , but also builds up a platform for establishing their reputation and brand .

  30. 因此,连锁超市自有品牌战略对企业树立自己的品牌信誉、增加企业利润、提高综合竞争力等方面具有重要的战略意义。

    So , the Development of Private Label Product is a very important and strategic significance for retailers to build brand credibility , increase enterprise profit growth and improve comprehensive competitiveness .