
  • 网络Reputation risk;reputational risk;credit risk
  1. 目前对于网络银行运作来说,操作风险、信誉风险和法律风险可能是最主要的风险类型。

    Generally , operational risk , reputation risk and law risk are the major risks of online banking .

  2. 接着进一步将代理风险细分为三类:投资风险、流动性风险、信誉风险;

    Further more , agent risk was divided into three types : invest risk , liquidity risk and reputation risk .

  3. 研究委员会仍然在考虑一些可能产生的信誉风险。

    The research councils are still considering the possibility of being exposed to some sort of reputational risk .

  4. 本文将律师执业风险总结为信誉风险、职业风险、经济风险;

    The thesis summarizes the risks in lawyers ' occupation as reputation risks , occupational risks and economic risks .

  5. 目前,网络银行和电子货币业务面临的主要风险有操作风险、信誉风险和法律风险。

    At present , the main risks of Internet-Banking and E-currency operations include operational risk , credit risk and law risk .

  6. 该文件从董事会与管理层监控、安全控制、法律与信誉风险管理等三个方面提出了网上银行业务风险管理原则。

    Risk of the Commercial Bank Network Business and Its Prevention The paper poses 14 principles of supervision for risks of internet banking from three aspects .

  7. 我国中小企业较大的自身风险主要表现在三方面:市场竞争风险、信誉风险和政策风险。

    The major self risk of our country 's small and big sized enterprises mainly shows in three respects : market competitive risk , credit risk and policy risk .

  8. 第二部分:重点论述网络银行的风险问题。这一部分阐明了网络银行面临的主要风险,包括安全风险、操作风险、信誉风险、法律风险以及其它风险等。

    In the second part , the thesis analyses the risks faced by internet bank including safe risks , operating risks , credit risks , law risks and other risks .

  9. 将风险分为安全风险、操作风险、信誉风险、经营风险、法律风险、及与传统银行相同的其他风险。

    The risk can be divided into a security risk , operational risk , credit risk , operational risk , legal risk , and other risks who are the same with the traditional banks .

  10. 此外,信用卡的使用还将减少中央银行的铸币税收入,削弱再贴现政策、法定准备金政策、公开市场操作等货币政策工具的效力,增大金融系统的流动性风险和信誉风险。

    Besides , the use of credit cards will also reduce the seigniorage revenues of central banks , weaken the effects of monetary policy tools and raise the liquidity risk and credit risk in financial system .

  11. 此前联想一直在努力为自己打造良好声誉,而且已经赢得了顾客的信任。但流氓软件问题立刻给该公司带来了信誉风险。

    Lenovo has worked hard to build a positive reputation . They had earned the trust of their customers , but the scandal over malware installation on their computers has suddenly put that reputation at risk .

  12. 第三部分对国外对网上银行监管模式、主体、体制\方法、准入退出条件、技术风险、法律及信誉风险防范措施立法进行分析并总结出值得借鉴的经验。

    The third part analyzes foreign law legislation of internet banking model objectives , system , methods , the entry and exit criteria , the risk protecting measures in the foreign legislation and draw lessons from the advanced practices .

  13. 同时尤其值得注意的事,银行参股保险公司后所引发的潜在风险,如,关联交易风险、银行信誉风险、保险产品风险和监管风险。

    At the same time the particularly noteworthy things are that the bank shares in the insurance company may raise the potential risk , such as the risk associated with trading , banking credit risk , insurance risk and regulatory risk .

  14. 本论文则主要围绕着文件共享P2P网络信任模型进行了研究,主要成果如下:(1)提出了一种基于信誉和风险估计的P2P网络信任模型。

    In this dissertation , we go deep into the trust models of P2P networks . The main achievements are as follows : ( 1 ) A novel reputation and risk evaluation based trust management model is proposed .

  15. 同时,市场信誉在风险投资中扮演了重要的角色。

    At last , the market credit play an important role in venture capital .

  16. 卖方的信誉的风险;

    Seller 's prestige risk ;

  17. 不过,我们不能无限期地依赖这一策略,因为它有损害富国政府财政信誉的风险。

    But this strategy must not be relied on indefinitely as it risks compromising the fiscal credibility of rich-country governments .

  18. 在明晰产权基础上,建立退耕还林工程经营者内在信用责任制度,形成信誉与风险约束。

    On the base of property right confirmation , the credit-responsibility system of workers was established in order to producing credits and restricting risks .

  19. 商业银行业道德风险对银行的经营管理、营利水平、信誉和其它风险防范构成了巨大威胁。

    Commercial banking moral hazard on the banks of the operation and management , profit levels , credit and other risks poses a great threat to prevention .

  20. 从企业角度看扩大参与程度仍存在许多的顾虑,如相关政策未规定退出行为,报销比例存在更大的惠农性空间,以及自付盈亏容易引发信誉和经营风险。

    From the perspective of enterprise , there are still many concerns in expanding participation level . There is no relevant policy specified exit behavior and there is a great improvement space to benefit the farmers .

  21. 我国的证券公司只有十几年的发展历史,整体信誉不佳,抗风险能力较弱,尚待规范和强大。

    The present securities company in China has a history of only fifteen years , so its overall reputation and risk resistance ability need improving and standardizing .

  22. 一些人指出,这样可能会增加成本、产生负面宣传,甚至有损于国际金融市场的信誉,推高风险溢价。

    It can add to costs , generate bad publicity and , some argue , even damage the credibility of international financial markets , driving up risk premiums .

  23. 随着经注册会计师审计的上市公司造假案件的频频曝光,注册会计师行业的信誉危机和执业风险日益加剧。

    With the exposure of false cases of listed companies which are audited by CPA , the credit crisis and professional risks of CPA profession prick up more and more .

  24. 目前,很多工程项目业主或承包商在进行采购时主要依靠相关人员的经验及供应商的信誉来评估采购风险,缺乏完整的采购风险管理体系和方法。

    At present , many project owners and contractors carrying out procurement mainly rely on the experience of relevant personnel or suppliers ' reputation to assess the credibility of the procurement risks and lack of integrated management system and method .