
  • 网络Information policy;NIP
  1. WTO框架下我国信息政策的效果分析

    Effects Analyses of Chinese Information Policy under the WTO Frame

  2. 尼古拉斯玻姆,整个基础信息政策研究说,BT的行动为非法数据拦截。

    Nicholas Bohm , of the Foundation for Information Policy Research , said BT 's actions amounted to illegal data interception .

  3. 我国信息政策和WTO规则的比较研究

    The Comparison of Information Polices and WTO Rules

  4. 我国信息政策与法规的国际兼容性研究电磁兼容性(EMC)要求在实施过程中的困难及对策

    Study of International Compatibility in Chinas Information Policy and Law Difficulty and counter-measure of EMC requirement in the process of implementation

  5. 黑龙江省社科信息政策的思路

    Some Thinkings about the Social Science Information Policies in Heilongjiang Province

  6. 中日两国信息政策对比及启示

    Comparison of Information Policy between Japan and China and Its Enlightenment

  7. 论国家信息政策法律体系结构建设

    Discussion on Structure Construction of National Information Policy and Law System

  8. 试论国家信息政策与法规体系

    On the National Information Policy and the Laws and Regulations System

  9. 重视从本国国情出发制定网络信息政策;

    The policy making based on the condition of a country ;

  10. 我国信息政策法规体系结构初探

    Preliminary Exploration on the Framework of China 's Information Law and Policy

  11. 中美国家信息政策比较研究

    Comparative Study of National Information Policies in China and USA

  12. 中美两国信息政策比较及其启示

    Comparison Between the Sino-USA National Information Policy and Its Enlightenments

  13. 我国信息政策研究(1994-2003)综述

    Review of Chinese Information Policy Research from 1994 to 2003

  14. 我国国家信息政策的重点领域研究与分析

    The Study and Analysis of the Key Field of China 's Information Policy

  15. 美国克林顿政府信息政策的几个原则

    Several Principles of Clinton Administration ′ s Information Policy

  16. KristeneUnsworth在宾夕法尼亚州费城德雷克塞尔大学研究信息政策。

    Kristene Unsworth researches information policy at Drexel College in Philadelphia , Pennsylvania .

  17. 信息政策研究的学科化进程及基本问题分析

    On the Disciplinary Development of Information Policy Research and Its Basic Problems Analysis

  18. 论信息政策研究的内容和方法

    On the Content and Method of Information Policy Research

  19. 信息政策对信息服务产业化的影响

    Influence of the Information Policy upon Information Service Industrialization

  20. 20世纪90年代以来我国信息政策与法规研究论文的定量分析

    Quantitative Analysis of Research Papers on Information Policies Regulations in China since 1990s

  21. 论我国信息政策环境对图书馆事业政策的影响

    A Concise Study on the National Information Policy 's Influence on the Librarianship Policy

  22. 社会信息化进程中信息政策研究及建设策略的思考

    Thinking on Information Policy Research and Construction Strategy

  23. 中国是否存在国家信息政策需求?

    Thus we may ask if there is any policy needs in our country .

  24. 试论我国信息政策建设存在问题及应对策略

    On the Problem and the Tactics of the Construction of Information Policy in China

  25. 中、美及欧盟信息政策法规建设比较研究

    A Comparative Study of Information Policies and Laws in China , USA and EU

  26. 国家信息政策与文献资源共享

    National Information Policy and Document Resource Sharing

  27. 文章分析了国家信息政策法律体系结构建设的意义、原则、内容和要素。

    The paper analyses the meaning , principle , content and factors about constructing it .

  28. 简论国家信息政策体系构建

    On the Construction of National Information Policy

  29. 论发展中国家的信息政策

    On the Information Policy in Developing Countries

  30. 日本科技信息政策及其事业的发展综述

    Development of Japanese Science and Technology Information