
  • 网络Lord Xinling;wordfighter;Gregoira
信陵君 [xìn líng jūn]
  • [the son of a high official whose feoff is in XinLing] 其封地在信陵的一国公子。信陵,魏地名,故城在今河南省宁陵县西北

  • 昭王薨, 安釐王即位, 封公子为信陵君。-- 汉. 贾谊《过秦论》

  1. 侯嬴给信陵君出主意说:“只要派人偷取大王的兵符,便可假传命令,要晋鄙出兵了。”

    Then Hou Ying advised Lord Xinling : " If only you had the Commander 's Seal , which is bestowed only by the king himself , you could take Jin Bi 's place and lead his troops to the help of Zhao . "