
xìn xī diǎn
  • information point/booth/etc.
  1. PDP也可以调用策略信息点(PIP)服务检索与主体、资源或者环境有关的属性值。

    The PDP may also invoke the Policy Information Point ( PIP ) service to retrieve the attribute values related to the subject , the resource , or the environment .

  2. 通过对油种、风化和HPLCFLD实验条件的模糊最大矩阵元评价,确定表征溢油指示物(指标)的HPLCFLDGM(1,1)的建模数据信息点。

    Types of oils and weathering and experimental conditions of HPLC FLD were evaluated using fuzzy maximum matrix method . Indicators of spilled oils were expressed as data information points of HPLC FLD GM ( 1,1 ) .

  3. 文中较详细地介绍了溢油特征指纹识别技术和特征指纹信息点相对峰高比值法相结合的溢油鉴别方法。

    In this paper , we introduce characteristic fingerprint recognition techniques and characteristic fingerprint information .

  4. 产品信息点阵式模型到矢量化模型的转换研究

    A study on the transformation from dot matrix model to vector form model of product information

  5. 一般会选取关键字查询,或者会使用该信息点的缩略词查询。

    One will normally select the keyword query , or may use the information point for the acronyms .

  6. 通过采集大量的样本点信息点,我们可以构造出能真实反映地物原貌的图形。

    With volumes of sample points , we may produce simulacrum that can reflect real geographical information from original figure .

  7. 随着信息化建设的发展,原有信息点的数量大都不能满足现实的需要。

    With the development of the information construction , most of the connect node can not satisfy the current needs .

  8. 师生共同将分享和探索服装信息点和知识点之间的结合与求证。

    Thus teachers and students will share and explore the combination and confirmation to clothing between information points and knowledge points .

  9. 通过两次继电反馈,测得被控对象两个关键信息点的频率特性,从而辨识得到二阶纯滞后模型;

    A second order plus dead time model is estimated with two relay feedback experimental data at two different frequency points .

  10. 通过比较发现,边缘检测过程中很多算法并不能很好的保留图像边缘信息点和抑制随机噪声。

    By comparing , we find some algorithms are not good at reserving image edge information points and inhibiting random noise in the process of image edge detection .

  11. 现在各大公司、政府机关、高校等都构建了自己的千兆局域网,几乎所有的办公室、会议室、教学楼甚至家属院都在这个局域网中,基本信息点数量相当可观。

    Almost all of offices , meeting rooms , teaching buildings and even relatives courtyards are in this LAN . The number of basic information points is rather considerable .

  12. 基于点模式匹配指纹的算法是用来解决待识指纹和匹配指纹两个矢量信息点集间的几何不变量问题。

    The matching algorithm of point pattern is experimented and validated which is used to solve the geometry invariable problem of the two vectors information of the recognized fingerprint and matching fingerprint .

  13. 针对插值过程中信息点的数据搜索问题提出了真三维空间的椭球扇区搜索方法,使计算结果更加精确。

    In light of the problem of data search of information points in interpolation process , an elliptical sector search method for real3D space is proposed , making the calculation results more accurate .

  14. 在此基础上,针对热电厂的测控系统数据库,提出一种新的数据库设计思想,并结合热电厂的实际情况,以信息点实时数据库管理系统作为例子予以阐述。

    Aimed at the remote measurement & control system database of Chengdu thermoelectricity factory , paper has put forward a new idea of designing database and demonstrated the real-time database manage system of information points .

  15. 本文从网络布线类别选用、各主要医疗功能单元信息点设置、如何平衡现在和未来发展需求、功能与投入等问题出发,提出自己的观点。

    This paper discusses several topics including network cabling solution selection , information points setting in each main medical function unit , and how to balance the demands , functions and investment both at present and in the future .

  16. 全油田共有抽油井1735口,分布黄河三角洲滩海地带,地域广、信息点分散、地形条件复杂,造成油井信息收集难,管理难度大。

    There are 1735 pumping wells which distributed the beach strand of Huanghe delta . The wide terrain , separate information point and complicated terrain condition result in that it 's difficult to collect wells information and manage the wells .

  17. 根据某点周围若干个信息点上的重(磁)观测数据估计出该点处的区域异常值,而且这种估计是在满足线性、无偏、最小估计方差条件下求得的。

    Regional anomaly datum in a point is estimated according to the data in some information points around some point . The estimation of regional anomaly is obtained under the conditions of linear , unbiased and minimum variance of estimation .

  18. 通过在扫描隧道显微镜的针尖和基底之间加脉冲电压在薄膜上进行信息点的写入,得到了直径为1.8nm的信息点,并分析了信息点形成的机理。

    By applying a pulsed voltage between a scanning tunneling microscope tip and the substrate we realized ultrahigh density data storage on this organic film , and recorded information dots 1.8 nm in diameter . The mechanism of the recording is also analyzed .

  19. 基于用户需求设计了示意图展示及维护、信息点维护、图例维护等功能流程,以及示意图缓存机制、交通信息资源整合方案、数据模型。

    Base on user needs , design the sketch map functional process , such as sketch map display and maintenance , feature points maintenance , legends maintenance . And design the sketch map cache , resource integration program , data model . 4 .

  20. 采用这种方法可以有效减小包裹位相中坏点或无信息点对有效点去包裹位相的影响。

    By this method , the effect of the points of bad or non-phase information to the unwrapping phase of valid points can be reduced greatly . The paper presents the principle of relative modulation to mark of the valid and invalid areas .

  21. 实例表明,小波技术可有效对岩层突变异常信息点进行多尺度辨析,能够对顶板冒落灾变前兆信息进行有效把握,是值得推广的一种方法。

    It is shown by practical cases and comparison that multi-resolution wavelet technique can identify the abnormal signal of strata catastrophe effectively in different scale , the omen of strata catastrophe can be grasped accurately , it is a valuable method for generalization .

  22. 信息点升级为信息站,由原来仅仅提供信息服务,增加物流和相关便民服务功能。(3)运营方式的创新:平台、枢纽、端口三位一体构成一个生命活体。

    Information points to upgrade to the information station , from merely providing information services to increase logistics and related services . ( 3 ) The innovation of operating mode : the platform , the hub and the port of the trinity constitutes a life living .

  23. 这样的信息有点类似于“圈儿内笑话”,也就是只有大批互联网用户知晓的、最前沿的、引人关注的信息。

    It 's a bit like the online equivalent of an inside joke , a fashionable , attention-grabbing concept that a large number of Internet users become aware of .

  24. 最后探讨了利用GIS进行土壤特性分区,并以分区为基础实现土壤水分固定信息采集点布局设计的方法。

    The authors also discussed the soil speciality division through GIS and the design method for distribution of fixed points for soil moisture information collection based on the division in the end .

  25. EIP采用了当前流行的B/S模式,为企业的管理者、雇员、供应商、用户及分销商等提供一个单一的信息接入点。

    In order to offer a single information access point to administrator , employee , supplier , users , retail trader of enterprise , it adopts popular B / S mode now .

  26. 在介绍GPRS的计费特点和信息采集点基础上,描述了GPRS计费记录分析与处理,并提出了未来GPRS计费将面临的问题。

    On the basis of introducing charging characteristics and information collecting point , this paper describes the analysis and treatment of GPRS charging record , puts forward the problem that GPRS charge will face in the future .

  27. EIP既是企业内部数据采集加工的基地环境,也是协同企业内外网络环境的窗口与信息交汇点。

    EIP is not only the basic environment for data collecting and processing in enterprises , but also a window and information crossing of cooperating enterprise internal-external networking environments .

  28. 由于BOM作为企业多软件系统的信息交汇点,其在机械制造信息资源规划巾有非常重要作用,作者进一步阐述了CAD、CAPP、PDM和ERP之间如何通过BOM进行集成。

    As the information intersection of many softwares , BOM is very important in information resource planning . After introducing the concept of BOM , the Author also discussed how to integrate CAD , CAPP , PDM and ERP by BOM .

  29. 提出了一种基于特征信息进行点云简化的算法,并且应用于Lloyd算法中,避免了对点云模型进行全部数据的迭代,提高了效率。

    Proposed a Point Cloud Simplification Algorithm based on feature information , used in Lloyd algorithm . This method avoids iteration of all sampling points on point cloud models so as to raise the efficiency .

  30. 基于数据需求的高速公路信息采集点分级布设策略研究

    Research on Classified Layout Strategy of Data-demand-oriented Information Collecting Points