
  • 网络Packet Switching;Packet Switched;IPX
  1. MPLS是一种利用多协议标签交换来进行快速数据包交换和路由的体系,它为网络数据流量提供了目标、路由、转发和交换等能力。

    MPLS is a multi-protocol label switching system applied to the fast data packet switching and routing , it provides a target network traffic , routing , forwarding and switching capabilities .

  2. 其中P2P系统中的节点被设计成一个智能Agent,节点之间使用封装了ACL(Agent通信语言)的数据包来交换信息。

    In which , one node of a P2P system is designed as an intelligent Agent . Different nodes exchange their information with ACL ( Agent Communication Language ) data packages .

  3. 文章提出将多平面交换的结构用于变长数据包的交换。

    In this paper , we suggest to use PPS for the variable-length packet switching .

  4. 通过在adhoc网络中建立标签交换路径,实现数据包的标签交换,详细叙述了基于标签交换的adhoc网络的基本架构和实现过程。

    Label-switching path is established in Ad Hoc networks to implement data label switching . This paper focuses on the architecture and the implementation procedures of label switch-based mobile Ad Hoc network .

  5. 本文从结构、原理、分类等方面对千兆路由器和第三层交换机两种最新的主干网络技术进行了分析和比较,着重阐述了两种解决方案中提高数据包转发或交换速度的关键技术。

    This paper presents a comprehensive comparison to Gigabit Routers and Layer 3 Switches . Crucial technique issues pertinent to switching efficiency are analyzed in some details .

  6. 医保系统与医院系统的接口采用3种方案:无缝、数据扫描、数据包交换。

    Three programs are adopted to establish the interface which are seamless , data scanning , packet exchange .

  7. 全光包交换由于能在光域内完成数据包的路由,交换,存储和转发等功能,近年来受到了广泛的关注。

    All-optical packet switching , in which routing , buffering and forwarding of optical packets are all carried out in optical domain , has attracted intensive research interest in these years .

  8. 控制信息流程,协调厂内物流和供应商相关电子数据交换,转换并发布相关数据。分布式包交换网络中传递经路信息的一种协议

    Control the information flow , assort with the electronic information between our company and suppliers . A PROTOCAL OF TRANSMITING ROUTING INFORMATION FOR A DISTRIBUTED PACKET-SWITCHED NETWORK

  9. 接口软件必须达到3个要求:医疗消费数据的唯一性、医保系统的安全性、高效快速的性能。医保系统与医院系统的接口采用3种方案:无缝、数据扫描、数据包交换。

    Interface softwares must meet 3 requirements : uniqueness of medical consumption data , security of medical insurance information management system and high efficiency and speed .