
  • 网络Spanning-Tree;spanning tree;Spanning Tree Protocol;spanning-tree protocol;stp
  1. 生成树协议的研究和实现

    Study and Implementation of STP

  2. 生成树协议和其他协议一样是随着网络的不断发展而不断更新换代的。

    Along with the evolution of network , STP is continually developed as well as the other protocols .

  3. 近年来,VLAN技术和生成树协议的提出为网络交换机的发展提供了新的动力。

    In recent years , VLAN Technology and Spanning Tree Protocol give a new impetus to the development of Network switches .

  4. 在分析原有基于MAC地址转发表算法的基础上,提出一种新的基于生成树协议的拓扑发现算法。

    Based on the analysis of the existing algorithm of MAC address forwarding table , it presents a kind of new physical topology discovery algorithm depended on spanning tree protocol .

  5. 确定了衡量以太网中流量均衡效果的代价函数,在此基础上提出了一种基于虚拟局域网(VLAN)和多生成树协议(MSTP)的以太网流量均衡选路算法。

    This paper proposes a new function to estimate the effect of traffic balancing and a traffic balancing routing algorithm based on VLAN and MSTP .

  6. 介绍了几个Cisco独到而特有的技术,如:生成树协议、快速转发、循环冗余链路及冗余路由等。

    Some special and typical techniques of Cisco included in this paper are : STPSpanning Protocol , express forwarding , cyclic redundant links and redundant routing , etc. .

  7. 在生成树协议物理拓扑发现算法中,正确使用STP、SNMP和ARP三种协议,物理拓扑发现非常准确;

    Due to suitable adoption of the three protocols STP , SNMP and ARP , the PTDA based on spanning tree protocol can get very effective and correct ;

  8. 本文在研究现有链路层拓扑发现算法的基础上,结合现代交换域的发展趋势,提出利用基于交换机生成树协议和SNMP的链路层拓扑发现方法。

    By study on the current link layer topology discovery algorithms and the development trend of modern switch area , we provide a method based on Spanning Tree Protocol and SNMP to discover the link layer topology .

  9. 讨论了第三层交换的概念、基于802.1Q标准的VLAN技术、生成树协议(STP)和多链路干线(MLT)技术,指出了各种技术的应用策略。

    After giving the definition of layer 3 switching , VLAN technology based on 802.1Q , spanning tree protocol and multi link trunking are discussed , and their application policies are presented in this paper .

  10. 一方面,利用生成树协议STP来进行拓扑发现;另一方面,通过地址转发表信息来辅助确定子网中交换机与共享网段、不可网管交换机之间的连接关系。

    On the one hand , the algorithm uses the spanning tree protocol ( STP ) to discover topology ; On the other hand , it determines the connection among the switches , sharing network segment , and non-managerial switches with the FDB .

  11. 最后详细设计了虚拟交换机系统内部的生成树协议。最后,本文利用OPNET仿真软件对基于以太网的虚拟交换机的设计方案进行模拟仿真实验,设计了两个仿真场景。

    At last , internal spanning tree protocol of the virtual switch system is designed in detail . Finally , this thesis uses OPNET simulation software to simulate the design scheme of virtual switch based on Ethernet . This thesis has designed two simulation scenarios .

  12. 快速生成树协议端口角色选择算法的研究

    Study of algorithm for port role of rapid spanning tree protocol

  13. 生成树协议与交换网络环路研究

    Research on Spanning Tree Protocol and Circle of Switch Network

  14. 有线电视数据网络生成树协议研究

    The Research of Spanning Tree Protocol Over Cable TV Network

  15. 本文详细介绍了局域网中解决冗余链路、桥接回路和负载均衡的重要协议-生成树协议。

    The article introduces the key protocol of solving redundant route in Lan : STP .

  16. 一种协商式生成树协议

    A negotiated spanning tree protocol

  17. 结合第三层交换机的应用环境,实现了快速生成树协议。

    The rapid spanning tree protocol has been implemented in the application environment of the layer 3 switch .

  18. 千兆以太网中使用生成树协议来保证网络中不出现逻辑环路。

    Gigabit Ethernet uses the Spanning Tree Protocol to ensure that there are no logical loops in the network .

  19. 在实际中对以太交换机的生成树协议的倒换恢复收敛时间进行了测试和验证,并分析了试验结果误差。

    The switching recovery convergence time based on Spanning Tree Protocol was tested in experiment , and the test error was analyzed .

  20. 接着对生成树协议(IEEE802.1D)屏蔽交换机自环故障机理作了详细的讨论。

    And then , the paper makes detailed discussion of getting rid of the switch loopback trouble with STP ( IEEE 802 . 1D ) .

  21. 在分析当前物理拓扑算法不足的前提下,提出了一种基于生成树协议广度优先遍历的拓扑发现算法并进行了算法仿真。

    Based on shortage of recent physical topology discovery algorithm , this paper proposes a Width-First Search topology discovery algorithm based on STP and tests it .

  22. 生成树协议在一般的桥接网络中可以从逻辑上切断冗余的网络连接,避免出现网络环路。

    The standard spanning tree protocol is frequently employed in a bridged network in order to deactivate redundant network connections and is intended for private local area network .

  23. 数据交换模块类似于二层网络交换设备,为有效防止网络环路的出现,需要在交换模块上实现生成树协议。

    Data switching module is similar to a network switching equipment in Layer Two , and Spanning Tree Protocol is needed to eliminate data loops in the LAN networks .

  24. 接着以IEEE802.1D标准为理论基础剖析了生成树协议,并对生成树协议在搭建的交换模块特定软硬件平台下的实现进行了详细的阐述。

    Secondly , the theory of STP is expatiated based on IEEE 802.1D , and the implementation of STP on specifically hardware and software platform of data switching module is elaborated detailed .

  25. 本文针对一种平面独立的内部双交换机冗余网络,设计了一种实用的不依赖生成树协议(STP/RSTP)的快速智能冗余切换的方法,通过实验室及现场应用验证了该方法的有效性。

    This paper introduces a fast automatic redundancy backup method for one kind of internal dual-switch network , which is independent to STP / RSTP protocol and verified in lab and onsite application .

  26. 它依照透明网桥的标准(IEEE802.1d、IEEE802.1i)实现了全部的源地址跟踪、帧转发、帧格式转换、生成树协议以及其它功能。

    According to the standards of bridge ( IEEE 802.1d , IEEE 802.1i ), it realizes all of the bridging functions , such as source address tracing , frame relay , protocol conversion , spanning-tree protocol and so on .

  27. 仿真结果显示,采用最小传输代价生成树的路由协议能减少数据传输量50%-80%,并具有较小的传输时延。

    Experimental results show that the data routing protocol can cause roughly 50 % ~ 80 % fewer transmissions and a bit shorter transmission delay .

  28. 在适合数据融合的生成树算法的基础上,分析能够有效延长网络生命的最小代价生成树路由协议的原理和特点。

    Based on spanning tree algorithm that is suitable to data fusion , the principle and features of Minimum Cost Spanning Tree ( MCST ) is analyzed .