
  1. 氮源NH4Cl浓度对粪产碱杆菌发酵生产热凝胶的影响

    Influence of Nitrogen Source NH_4Cl Concentration on Curdlan Production in Alcaligenes faecalis

  2. 特点:1、本机专门用于生产热塑性塑胶原料、PVC、TPR、塑胶发泡、不发泡等各种鞋底。

    Features : 1 , This machine is suitable for all kinds of thermoplastic materials , forming of non-forming , such as , PVC , TPR etc.

  3. FRIULFILIERE公司成立于1978年,长期致力于生产热塑性塑料挤出所需的专用机械、模具和设备,在业界居领先地位。

    FRIUL FILIERE SPA , established in1978 , leading company specialised in the production of machinery , toolings and equipment for the extrusion of thermoplastic materials .

  4. 定尺生产热镀锌钢丝

    Production of the Hot-galvanized Steel Wire Cut to length

  5. 线棒材生产热处理新技术和新装备

    The new technology and equipment of heat treatment in bar and wire stock production

  6. 本公司为专业销售和生产热塑性人造橡胶弹体及特种弹性体塑料。

    The Company is a professional sales and production of thermoplastic synthetic rubber body and special elastomer plastic .

  7. 我公司是一家专业生产热弯玻璃机械及加工各种特、异、难热弯玻璃的厂家。

    Our company specializes in the development and production of glass bending technologies with over twenty years of experience .

  8. 以电厂电力生产热经济性状态方程和扰动顺序解除法为理论基础,完成了机组变工况运行的经济性分析。

    According to the thermo-economy system state equation and disturbance ordinal unchaining means , we analyzed the thermal economy for unit in off-design condition .

  9. 文中着重介绍了新工艺采用微氧化还原法的原理生产热镀锌钢管的方法、机理、试验情况等。

    Emphasis is laid on applying the principle of " Slight oxidation-reduction method " to production of hot dip galvanized steel pipes . The manufacturing method , mechanism and test results are introduced .

  10. PET生产中热媒长周期稳定运行的操作

    Ensure heat medium long period stable operation in PET production

  11. 采用PLC控制的聚酯生产线热媒炉控制系统的设计

    Adopting PLC control to design the HTM stove control system in polyester production line

  12. CSP生产线热衔接设备&辊底式加热炉热缓冲数学模型的研究

    Study on the reheating and buffering model for roller hearth furnace & join equipment in CSP Process

  13. 同时讨论产蛋率的变化和用THI表示的蛋鸡生产的热应激指标。

    Moreover , addressed is the change of the productivity in relation to the hot stress index expressed in the form of THI .

  14. 利用热管纺丝技术一步法生产FCY热管全拉伸丝一步法纺丝技术探讨

    Manufacture of the fully crystallized filament by one-step with the heating tube discussion on spinning technology of esy by one - step process

  15. 热电冷联合生产的热经济性分析

    A Thermal Economical Analysis of the Heating Electric-cooling Tri-generation Power Set

  16. 碳素弹簧钢丝生产中热处理工艺的改进

    Improve the Heat-treatment Technology in Carbon Spring Steel Wire Production

  17. 确定了'大规模生产力'的工业生产额热地点空间。

    Spaces identified with'productivity'ere locations for industrial production on a large scale .

  18. 某彩色涂层钢板生产线热系统的重新设计

    Innovation of heating system using in a color coating line oven system

  19. 涂装生产线热循环系统关键组件的优化设计方法研究

    Optimal Design on Key Components of Thermal Cycling System of Coating Line

  20. 铝塑复合板生产线热复合辊几种形式的分析与探讨

    Analyse for Thermo Combination Form of Aluminum Plastic Panel Line

  21. 1700生产线热送热装技术

    Hot Delivery and Charging Technology for 1700 Production Line

  22. 利用农业废弃物生产嗜热真菌(T.lanuginosus)耐热木聚糖酶的固体发酵研究

    Solid state fermentation for producing thermostable endoxylanase by T. lanuginosus using agricultural wastes

  23. 喷嘴雾化研究超声气体雾化生产的热喷涂用自熔合金粉末

    Atomization study self - fusible powder by ultrasonic gas atomization used for spraying

  24. 五钢短流程生产线热调试和试生产概况

    General introduction on hot commissioning and trail production of the compact production line

  25. 热成像技术在乙醛生产设备热故障识别中的应用

    The application of thermal imaging technology in the thermal fault detection of acetaldehyde unit

  26. 液压安全联轴器在轨梁厂万能生产线热锯机上的应用

    The application of hydraulic safety coupling in the hot saw machine of Rail-beam Plant

  27. 钢材生产在线热处理的金相组织分析

    Metallographic structure analysis of on-line heat-treated rolled steel

  28. 生产各种热弯玻璃家俱。

    Hot Bend produces kinds of glass furniture .

  29. 甘油生产换热设备采用强化传热技术的可行性及经济效益分析

    The Possibility and Economy Analyses of Enhanced Heat Transfer Technology Used in Production of Glycerin

  30. 近20年气候变暖对东北农业生产水热条件影响的研究

    Impacts of climate warming on thermal and moisture conditions in Northeast China in recent 20 years