
shēng rén
  • stranger;be born;living person;everybody
生人 [shēng rén]
  • (1) [stranger]∶不相识的人

  • (2) [be born]∶指人出生

  • 他是1950年生人

  • (3) [living person]∶活着的人

  • 生人与死者并踵顶而卧。--清. 方苞《狱中杂记》

  • (4) [everybody]∶众人

  • 避生人眼目

生人[shēng rén]
  1. 这匹马不听生人使唤。

    This horse won 't obey a stranger .

  2. makeoff匆匆逃掉那小孩看见生人便急忙跑掉了。

    The child made off when he saw a stranger .

  3. 他们那帮人抱成一团,不怎么欢迎生人。

    They were a clannish lot , not given to welcoming strangers .

  4. 他和生人谈话简直像小孩子一样面嫩。

    He shows an almost childlike timidity in talking with strangers .

  5. 她跟生人说话爱红脸。

    She often blushes when speaking to strangers .

  6. 她和生人在一起,总是忸忸怩怩。

    She is always bashful among strangers .

  7. 这孩子憷见生人。

    The child is afraid of strangers .

  8. 他提防生人。

    He is wary of strangers .

  9. 对生人要客气。

    Be attentive to strangers .

  10. 他是1949年生人。

    He was born in1949 .

  11. 玛丽怕见生人,我们带她参加聚会时她总是畏缩不前。

    Mary is afraid of people , she always holds back when we take her to a party .

  12. 这三只猴子到了BellTower小区后,因为见到了太多的生人,被吓得白天不敢出来,躲在小区的花园了。

    The three monkeys to the Bell Tower area , because to see too many strangers , afraid to be scared during the day , hiding in the area of the garden .

  13. 大家都说Mark现在的男朋友是个冷漠的人,但Mark说他跟生人在一起会害羞,紧张而已,熟悉了就不会了。

    Everyone says Mark 's new boyfriend is a cold fish , but Mark says it 's just that he 's shy and he can 't relax with people until he gets to know them .

  14. 内毒素体外诱生人单核细胞分泌PGF1α/TXB2的研究

    Research on the Secretion of PGF_1 α / TXB_2 in Human Monocytes Induced by Endotoxin in Vitro

  15. 方法检测药物对流感病毒感染的MDCK细胞中病毒的神经氨酸酶活性及对流感病毒增殖的影响,并观察了药物对新城鸡瘟病毒(NDV)诱生人全血细胞干扰素的影响。

    Methods The sialidase activity of influenza virus and the virus replication in MDCK cells were detected . The effect of test samples on a-interferon-inducing activity of NDV was carried out .

  16. 最近,中国新闻社的一则报道称,北京有约50万名年龄在25至50岁之间的女性属于剩女或称3S女性&单身,70年代生人,不知所措。

    A China News Service report recently described the roughly half-million single women aged 25-50 living in Beijing as shengn ü ( leftover women ), or " 3S " women - single , seventies ( most shengn ü born in the 1970s ) and stuck .

  17. 最近,中国新闻社的一则报道称,北京有约50万名年龄在25至50岁之间的女性属于剩女或称3S女性--单身,70年代生人,不知所措。

    A China News Service report recently described the roughly half-million single women aged 25-50 living in Beijing as shengn ü ( leftover women ) , or " 3S " women - single , seventies ( most shengn ü born in the 1970s ) and stuck .

  18. 我自己立下个规矩,从来不把钱借给生人。

    I make a habit of never lending money to strangers .

  19. 他从不开口和珂赛特谈那个阳生人。

    He never opened his mouth to Cosette about this stranger .

  20. 那个跳舞女郎在生人面前没一点紧张。

    The dance girl is quite at home in front of strangers .

  21. 小女孩在生人面前羞得脸都红了。

    The little girl blushed with shame before the stranger .

  22. 当我们与目生人擦肩而过时,大都人往往把目光移开。

    Most of us look away when we pass strangers .

  23. 但当地警察认为这是一个生人诱拐案。

    But the local police are now considering this a stranger abduction .

  24. 在那次聚会上我没有碰到任何生人。

    I didn 't meet anybody new at the party .

  25. 她会见生人时特别促不安。

    She 's strangely hung up about meeting new people .

  26. 在生人面前,约翰一句话也说不出来。

    John lost his speech in the presence of strangers .

  27. 她和生人见面总感到局促不安。

    She finds it a strain to meet new people .

  28. 市场经济与生人伦理&走近契约化生存的时代

    Market Economy and Stranger-to-Stranger Ethics & Approach the Era of Contractual Existence

  29. 90年代后期生人与我们是完全不同的。郭亚中说。

    The late-90s generation is totally different from us , Guo said .

  30. 请看例子:他在生人面前是个沉默寡言又颇为持重的人。

    He is a rather silent , self-contained man when with strangers .