
  • 网络Ecological park;eco-town;Biotope
  1. 还是叫生态园比较准确。

    It 's more accurate to call it an ecological park .

  2. 关于修复和整建海州湾前三岛渔业生态园(区)的建议

    A Suggestion on Remediation of Front Three Islands Fishery Ecological Park in Haizhou Bay

  3. 论我国大3S汽车市场生态园的建立

    On Construction of Three Big S , the Market Ecological District in China

  4. 本文以常夏石竹为研究对象,试验用的种子分别来自于黑龙江省亚布力林业局生态园(A)和吉林省北华大学实验区(B)。

    The experiment materials are Dianthus Plumarius , which came from ecology garden of Yabuli forest enterprise ( A ) and Beihua university experimental plot of JiLin Province ( B ) respectively .

  5. 深圳平湖生态园规划理念与景观构造

    Program Ideas of Eco-garden Landscape in Pinghu Town of Shenzhen Region

  6. 从经济角度分析建设绿色生态园的必要性

    Analyzing the Necessity of Constructing Green Ecological Garden from Economic Angles

  7. 逛遍整个生态园的呀?

    On a thorough tour of the this ecological garden ?

  8. 随后,我们来到了神农生态园。

    Later , we went to Shennong Zoology Park .

  9. 工业生态园综合评价模型的建立

    Establishment of Comprehensive Evaluation Model of An Eco-industrial Park

  10. 鲁北化工集团工业生态园发展循环经济概述

    Summary on Developing Recycle Economy in Industrial Ecological Garden in Lubei Chemical Group

  11. 制曲专业化发展趋势与泸州制曲生态园建设前景

    Development Trend of Specialization of Starter Production Development Prospect of Luzhou Starter-making Ecological Garden

  12. 观光农业生态园的规划设计

    Planning and designing of tourism agricultural ecosystem park

  13. 桂林黑山生态园规划

    The Planning of Heishan Ecological Garden in Guilin

  14. 回归大自然,呼唤城市绿色空间&红太阳生态园景观设计

    Unique Natural Green Space in City & Landscape Design of Red Sun Ecological Garden

  15. 你曾经到过梁丰生态园吗?

    Have you ever to Liangfeng ecosystem park ?

  16. 这里的确是一座生态园。

    Here is indeed an ecological park .

  17. 这生态园里的水果真是不一样。

    The fruits here are really different .

  18. 阜新农发局绿色生态园灌溉自动化工程设计

    Engineering Design of Green Ecology Garden Irrigation Automation in Agricultural Development Bureau of Fuxin City

  19. 小河穿过的一组庭院&上海闵行生态园接待中心

    A Cluster of Yards with a Rivulet Across : Reception Center of Shanghai Minhang Ecological Garden

  20. 工业生态园模式在济钢焦化厂的应用

    Application of Industrial Ecological Garden Mode in the Coking Plant of Jinan Iron and Steel Company

  21. 地域建筑创作探索&成都大熊猫生态园旅游服务区设计

    Regional Architecture Creation : Design of Tourist Service Area for Panda Ecological Garden in Chengdu City

  22. 现代主义建筑的本土化策略&上海闵行生态园接待中心解读

    Strategies of Localization of Modernism : Interpretion of the Reception Center of Minhang Ecological Garden , Shanghai

  23. 昆明世博园福建生态园园林植物群落结构

    The Structure of Landscape Plant Community in the Fujian Ecological Garden of Kunming World Horticulture Exposition Garden

  24. 对于轻工业生态园企业集群效率研究,主要论述三个方面的问题。

    For the research of light Eco-industrial park cluster efficiency , there are mostly focus on three aspects .

  25. 赤岸水保站生态园建设与综合治理规划模型探讨

    Discussion on the Construction of Eco-Orchard and Its Program Model of Comprehensive Development in Ci ′ an Water and Soil Conservation Station

  26. 通过实施清洁生产、建立生态园以及发展环保产业等措施,在多个层次上实现物质的循环。

    And realize the recycling of materials on several layers by many measures such as building zoology gardens and developing environment protecting industries .

  27. 介绍了运城生态园的整体规划思想以及热带植物在园内的种植和养护等。

    And have introduced overall plan thought and tropical plant planting and maintenance in the garden of the ecological garden of Yun Cheng .

  28. 通过介绍住宅小区内的生态园之规划设计构思及建设情况,对居住区的环境设计及园林风格营建进行探讨了和研究。

    This essay makes an exploration and study on the landscape design and construction of housing district by briefly introducing Huajing Ecological Garden .

  29. 沱牌秉承中华酒文化精髓,创建了中国第一个具有典型示范意义的酿酒工业生态园。

    Tuopai Group inherits Chinese alcoholic beverage cultural soul and established the first liquor-making industry ecological garden which is a typical model in China .

  30. 该纺织产业生态园是一个开放的复合生态系统,既受自然生态系统规律的制约,又受市场经济规律的制约。

    It is an open and composite system that is determined by the rules of the natural ecological system as well as market economy .