
  • 网络Living room;locker room;OFFIC & LIVING AREA
  1. 工业企业热车间生活间若干问题的探讨

    Study on several problems of welfare rooms in industrial hot-working shops

  2. 我们的生活间充满幸福。

    and our lives will be full of happiness

  3. 职场新人可能更看重足够的休假保障及工作与生活间的合理平衡。

    A guarantee of time off and a reasonable work-life balance might be more important for the newbies .

  4. 对于有些人来说新获得的工作与私人生活间的灵活性没问题,但对于其它人来说是存在疑问。

    This newfound flexibility between our work and private lives works for some people but is problematic for others .

  5. 与以上情况形成鲜明对比的是,女性在找兼职时往往会受到称赞,因为人们认为主动在工作和生活间寻求一种平衡的行为说明她们具有奉献精神。

    That 's in sharp contrast to women who regularly receive praise for their dedication to proactively seeking a work-life balance , the research shows .

  6. 研究人员询问了他们工作的时间,工作和家庭生活间界限是否分明,以及工作和家庭生活是否经常相互影响。

    They asked what hours they worked , how strong their boundaries were between work and home life , and how often one sphere affected the other .

  7. 在韩国已经不堪重负的工作和生活间的不平衡导致日益增加的投诉后,韩国超连线正在考虑立法禁止老板们打扰他们已经回到家中的员工。

    Hyper-wired South Korea is considering legislation that would ban bosses from bothering their staff at home after growing complaints about the country 's already onerous work-life imbalance .

  8. 有些人把黑莓机称为「快克莓」(因为用起来容易上瘾),加拿大公民暨移民部开始设法切断这种束缚,力求重建工作与生活间的适当平衡。

    Trying to re-establish a proper balance between work and life , citizenship and Immigration Canada is starting by trying to cut the chains to what some have called crackberries .

  9. 但是,女性形象颠覆式的媒介呈现与真实的日常生活间依然存在着距离,它们实际上只是商业系统和文化工业合谋所制造出来的时尚与性别奇观。

    However , these subversive media female images are still away from our real life . In fact , they are really just spectacle and fashion which are created by the commercial systems and the culture industry .

  10. 在组织和管理农业生产时,必须研究土地,劳力、能量、环境、生态之间的关系,以及生态、生产、生活间结合问题。

    In the organization and management of agricultural production , the relationship must be studied between land , labour , energy , environment and ecology , as well as the problem of properly linking ecology , production and living together .

  11. 本文还探讨了性态度、性行为以及人类生活史间的关系。

    The relation between these sexual attitudes and reported sexual behaviors and life history evolution in humans is discussed .

  12. 尽管用词不同,但传递了瑜伽与中国生活方式间的联系。

    Though the words are different but it conveys the contact of yoga in the Chinese way of living .

  13. 但大多数仅局限于单一物种的研究,不同生活型间系统的比较分析还较少见。

    However , most of researches were on single species , but were not systematic researches on different life forms .

  14. 然而,他的家人在一夜之间被游离在王国中的黑暗势力残忍杀害,他简单的生活顷刻间分崩离析。

    However his simple life is shattered overnight when his family is brutally murdered by the dark forces that roam the kingdom .

  15. 但是,据记录这位巨星短暂一生的个人生活录间和录像表明,玛丽莲梦露完全是另外一种人。

    But now a remarkably different picture of Marilyn Monroe has emerged from private tape recordings and amateur film footage of the star 's short life .

  16. 城乡分割的二元经济结构极大地制约了城乡一体化发展,直接导致了城乡居民收入、消费、生活质量间的巨大差距。

    The dualistic economic structure segment urban and rural areas lead to the fact that urban and rural residents have great disparity in income consumption and live enormous of quality .

  17. 我们的日常生活蓦然间变得一片光明,带来这种奇效的唯有神圣,而非他物。一言以蔽之,有这类朋友相伴在左右,我们就会感到无比充实。

    The solemn nothings that fill our everyday life blossom suddenly into bright possibilities . In a word , while such friends are near us we feel that all is well .

  18. 我感觉这个市场里缺了一些东西,不仅是在风格或审美上,从品牌价值的角度、以及从同客户生活方式间的匹配度来看,也是如此。谢菲尔德说。

    I feel like there was something missing in the marketplace not just stylistically or aesthetically , but also from the perspective of the brand value and how that corresponds to the lifestyle of our clientele , said Ms. Sheffield .

  19. 我喜最初开始独立生活的那间公寓。

    I like the first apartment where I lived on my own .

  20. 生活于潮间带的固着海洋无脊椎动物的生长常常受到空间尺寸的限制。

    Growth of sessile marine intertidal invertebrates is limited by space availability .

  21. 生活在这间监狱般的房子里,实在是没什麽盼头。

    There isn 't much to live for in this jail of a house .

  22. 研究者还认为,对那里的人民生活在彼此间的关系。

    The researchers also considered the effect of where people lived in relation to each other .

  23. 在2006年,辅助生活设施一间单人病房每年的收费为35616美元;

    In2006 , a private room in an assisted living facility cost $ 35,616 a year .

  24. 小时候,生活在一间小房子里。家里就两个房间。

    I remember when I was little , we lived in a small flat with two bedrooms .

  25. 几乎所有的受访者(94%)认为她们可以在令人满意的职业发展和快乐的个人生活二者间取得平衡。

    Nearly all , 94 percent , believed they could achieve a balance between a satisfying professional career and a gratifying personal life .

  26. 这一刻,你只是普通人,过自己的平凡生活,突然间&这是怎么回事?

    One instant , you 're just a regular Joe , schlepping through your mundane life , and then suddenly & what is this ?

  27. 艾滋孤儿是指生活直接或间接受艾滋病影响的年龄在15岁以下的健康儿童。

    AIDS orphans are living directly or indirectly refers to the impact of AIDS at the age of healthy children under the age of 15 .

  28. 为了保护环境、节约能源,在浴室及其它生产生活房屋淋浴间配设太阳能热水器供应热水。

    In order to protect environment and save energy , solar heater shall be set to supply hot water for bathroom as well as bathrooms of other production and domestic houses .

  29. 抗坏血酸、谷胱甘肽作为植物体内重要的抗氧化剂既能在生理水平上表征外界环境的干扰程度,又能从物质分配的角度表征各生活史型间的转变。

    Ascorbate and glutathione , as important antioxidant system of plant , not only represent the degree of disturbance of the external environment in physiological level , but also indicate mutual transformation of various life cycle forms in substance distribution .

  30. 这一刻,你只是普通人,过自己的平凡生活,突然间——这是怎么回事?——一切还是老样子,然而你觉得蒙神感召,惊叹万分,充满幸福。

    One instant , you 're just a regular Joe , schlepping through your mundane life , and then suddenly - what is this ? - nothing has changed , yet you feel stirred by grace , swollen with wonder , overflowing with bliss .