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shēng mǔ
  • natural mother;one's own mother
生母 [shēng mǔ]
  • [natural mother] 生育自己的母亲

生母[shēng mǔ]
  1. 他的生母不能照顾他,所以他是姑姑抚养大的。

    His natural mother was unable to care for him so he was raised by an aunt .

  2. 史蒂夫•乔布斯称生父生母只是自己的“精子和卵子库”【美联社(AssociatedPress)】

    Steve Jobs refers to his biological parents as his " sperm and egg bank " ( Associated Press )

  3. MaryAlice为了不让Zach被带走,杀了他的生母。

    So it looks like Mary Alice killed Zach 's birth mother in order to keep her from taking Zach away .

  4. 美国儿科学会(TheAmericanAcademyofPediatrics)称,由于人乳的潜在好处,早产婴儿都应当食用母乳,最理想的来源是生母,但如果无法做到这一点,则应食用来自捐赠者的人乳。

    The American Academy of Pediatrics says that because of the potent benefits of human milk , all premature babies should receive breast milk , preferably from their mothers , but if not , then from donors .

  5. 美国儿科学会(TheAmericanAcademyofPediatrics)称,由于“人乳的潜在好处”,早产婴儿都应当食用母乳,最理想的来源是生母,但如果无法做到这一点,则应食用来自捐赠者的人乳。

    The American Academy of Pediatrics says that because of the " potent benefits of human milk , " all premature babies should receive breast milk , preferably from their mothers , but if not , then from donors .

  6. 目前,朝鲜建国者金日成、其妻金正淑(KimJongSook)(金正日生母)以及现任领袖金正日的生日是国家节日。

    The birthdays of North Korean founder Kim Il Sung and his mother , Kim Jong Sook , are national holidays in the insular country , as is the current leader 's birthday .

  7. 他继母爱他像他生母一样深切。

    His stepmother loved him as dearly as his own mother .

  8. 那女人他的生母那个艾玛·斯旺是谁

    Who is this woman his mother this ... Emma Swan ?

  9. 我们把那些生母抛在一边,就是因为她们的外表。

    We tossed those birth mothers aside because of their appearance .

  10. 因为我是你的生母是的

    because I 'm your birth mother . Henry : Yep .

  11. 重庆市区新生儿及其生母血铅测定及影响因素调查

    Measurement of blood lead levels in newborns and their mothers

  12. 因为这样他的生母就找不到他了。

    Because that way his real mother couldn 't track him down .

  13. 新生儿及其生母的甲状腺功能测定

    The relationship of thyroid function in neonates and their mothers

  14. 今天晚些时候我会去拜访我的生母。

    I 'm going to visit my biomum later today .

  15. 对他生母进行非法诽谤

    throw an illegal smear campaign against his birth mother ?

  16. 这么说你是亨利的生母

    So you are , uh , Henry 's mother ?

  17. 你们知道吗?雷的前妻,也就是苏珊的生母。

    You 're aware that ray 's first wife , susan 's mother .

  18. 孩子的生母仍然可以改变主意。

    The birth mother can still change her mind .

  19. 特拉华州的生母有60天时间考虑

    In delaware , the birth motherhas 60 days to change her mind .

  20. 来补偿他失去生母之痛楚。

    To take away the sting of killing the woman who bore him .

  21. 12年生母树插条生根效果差,不宜采穗。

    It is the worst when mother trees are at 12 year old .

  22. 他至死都不知道自己的生母是谁。

    He died without knowing his natural mother .

  23. 她是不是我女儿的生母?

    Is that my daughter 's birth mother ?

  24. 事实上,里基的生母似乎从未从失去女儿的痛苦中恢复过来。

    Indeed , the birth mother seems never to have recovered from the loss .

  25. 他们说生母不希望我们联系她

    I was told the birth mother didn 't want to have any contact .

  26. 将她们归类型研究,按血缘关系可分成生母和养母。

    They can be divided into biological mother and adopted mother according to the kinship .

  27. 但你的生母还活着。

    But your biological mother is alive .

  28. 来寻找他的生母

    in search of his birth mother .

  29. 史蒂维.格雷森是我的生母

    Stevie Grayson is my biological mother .

  30. 但是我的生母生过。

    But my birth mom ⑥ did .