
qiè guó
  • usurp state power
窃国 [qiè guó]
  • [usurp state power] 窃取国家大权

窃国[qiè guó]
  1. 他的话呼应了萨拉•蔡斯(SarahChayes)所著《窃国者》(ThievesofState)一书的中心思想:腐败造成安全威胁。

    His words go to the heart of Sarah Chayes " argument in Thieves of State : that graft begets insecurity .

  2. 处于中间路线的是窃国政治和裙带资本主义国家。

    Somewhere in the middle were kleptocracies and crony capitalist states .

  3. 乔佛里。蓝礼。罗柏.史塔克。全都是窃国大盗。

    Joffrey , Renly , Robb Stark , they 're all thieves .

  4. 他们窃国已经有12年,昨天他们又一次对我们下手了!

    They have been stealing from the country for the last 12 years . Yesterday they stole from us again .

  5. 蔡斯担任过美军在阿富汗和华盛顿的顾问。她一针见血地指出,美国准备支持窃国者,以换取“反恐合作”。

    A former adviser to the US military in Afghanistan and Washington , Chayes skewers US readiness to support kleptocrats in exchange for " counterterrorism co-operation . "

  6. 蔡斯也认可这一点,她在书中指出了迪拜之于阿富汗窃国者的作用,瑞士之于埃及窃国者的作用,以及伦敦之于尼日利亚窃国者的作用。

    Chayes nods to this when she points out the role of Dubai in Afghanistan 's kleptocracy , of Switzerland in Egypt 's , or of London in Nigeria 's.

  7. 最后,窃国者在外国同伙——包括银行家、商业伙伴、政治盟友或占领者——的协助下,得以免于遭到人民的问责——他们正是以人民的名义治理国家的。

    Ultimately the foreign collaborators of kleptocrats , be they bankers , business partners , political allies or occupiers , are what insulates them from being called to account by those in whose name they rule .

  8. 当然,残酷指数会使不稳定的状态制度化,位于权力层级顶端的人,永远都在担心一个更疯狂的窃国奸佞将自己推翻,从而占据自己的位置。

    Of course the ruthlessness index institutionalises instability as those at the top live in permanent fear of the toppling of an even more psychotic kleptocrat who would come to take his place in the hierarchy .