- usurp state power

[usurp state power] 窃取国家大权
His words go to the heart of Sarah Chayes " argument in Thieves of State : that graft begets insecurity .
Somewhere in the middle were kleptocracies and crony capitalist states .
Joffrey , Renly , Robb Stark , they 're all thieves .
They have been stealing from the country for the last 12 years . Yesterday they stole from us again .
A former adviser to the US military in Afghanistan and Washington , Chayes skewers US readiness to support kleptocrats in exchange for " counterterrorism co-operation . "
Chayes nods to this when she points out the role of Dubai in Afghanistan 's kleptocracy , of Switzerland in Egypt 's , or of London in Nigeria 's.
Ultimately the foreign collaborators of kleptocrats , be they bankers , business partners , political allies or occupiers , are what insulates them from being called to account by those in whose name they rule .
Of course the ruthlessness index institutionalises instability as those at the top live in permanent fear of the toppling of an even more psychotic kleptocrat who would come to take his place in the hierarchy .