
Rupert Murdoch attracted criticism last year for his inconsistent reactions to the phone-hacking scandal in the UK .
Rupert Murdoch this week delivered the opposite message as he cancelled a planned trip to Davos to stay in London to try to quell the storm over phone hacking at the News of the World .
Some news just in , the BBC has learnt that a senior journalist at the Sun newspaper , which is owned by Rupert Murdoch 's media group , has been sacked in connection with phone hacking .
After the phone-hacking scandal at News Corp 's British newspaper arm-which is still being investigated by Lord Justice Leveson , a senior judge-the group had to drop its bid for full ownership of BSkyB , a profitable satellite broadcaster ; it already owns 39 % .
The rush of revelations in the phone-hacking affair has turned a squall into a storm .
Germany is sending a delegation to Washington next week to seek clarifications of widespread U.S. spying allegations .
Nearly 200 million and counting , that how much the phone-hacking scandal has cost News International from legal fees to settlements with victims .
Any reorganisation of the top table will probably keep him just below Rupert Murdoch , leaving his son James Murdoch , who gave up the chairmanship of News Corp 's British newspaper arm after the scandal , out of the spotlight for now .