
pínɡ hénɡ jià ɡé
  • equilibrium price
  1. 如果你表演那要求和补给曲线在相同的曲线图上,十字路口那二是平衡价格。

    If you show the demand and supply curves on the same graph , the intersection of the two is the equilibrium price .

  2. 这种有效性表现为在平衡价格系统下,市场分配机制实现了集中分配机制的最大整体效益。

    The efficiency implies that the responses of water users for the equilibrium price systems in the market mechanism can implement the whole of optimal utility of the concentrated control mechanism .

  3. 关于Walras经济的本质平衡价格

    On the essential equilibrium prices in Walras economies

  4. 证明了大多数的交换经济(在Baire分类的意义上),其所有平衡价格都是本质的。

    In this paper , the writer proved that in " most " exchange economies ( inthe sence of Baire category ) all equilibrium prices are essential .

  5. 难道他们不担心盈亏平衡价格吗?

    Don 't they worry about the break-even price of oil ?

  6. 所以如何平衡价格下降和企业利润是一个难题。

    So , how to balance these conflicting effects is a difficult problem .

  7. 联合经营平衡价格的稳定性

    Stability of equilibrium prices on combined economical systems

  8. 2003年煤炭资源高速增长供需大体平衡价格稳中有升

    Coal Resource kept high Increase in 2003

  9. 这使你的控制,在平衡价格和质量,您刚组装PC机。

    This gives you the control in balancing the price and the quality of your newly assembled PC.

  10. 通过上面的例子可看出,它确实保证了平衡价格的存在。

    In terms of the last example this means that it does guarantee that equilibrium prices exist .

  11. 不过,随着油价下跌,成本也会下降,盈亏平衡价格也会随之降低。

    But as the oil price drops , so will costs , bringing the break-even price down with it .

  12. 初步的敏感性分析表明,原料价格的变化对生物柴油项目的盈亏平衡价格和投资利润率影响最大,促使人们使用成本更低的原料和相应的工艺。

    Preliminary sensitivity analysis showed that variations on price of raw material had the biggest influence over the breakeven price and return on investment , prompting people to use lower cost raw materials and the corresponding process .

  13. 该方案将使内陆和沿海地区之间的库存恢复平衡,价格也会得到重新调整。

    This is going to cause inventories to rebalance and prices to realign between inland and coastal locations .

  14. 不过,随着油价下跌,成本也会下降,“盈亏平衡”价格也会随之降低。

    But as the oil price drops , so will costs , bringing the " break-even " price down with it .

  15. 预计下半年国内市场成品油供需将基本趋于平衡,价格走势大体平稳。

    It is forecast that oil product supply and demand will be roughly in balance in the second half of the year , suggesting stable prices .

  16. 如果两组平衡,价格就会停滞,因为每一方都会吸收对方的力量。

    If there 's balance between the two groups , prices will stagnate , because each side will absorb the force of the other side 's actions .

  17. 在此基础上,讨论了以能源供需平衡和价格波动、单位产值能耗、能源需求增长速度等为指标的预警系统构建思路。

    Based on this , a pre-warning system is discussed , whose indexes are energy balance between supply and demand , energy consumption of unit production valve and growth rate of energy demand .

  18. 根据石化企业生产过程的实际情况,考虑原料供应量、装置加工能力、物料平衡和价格等情况,建立反映企业生产情况的线性规划数学模型。

    According to the fact of Petrochemical Enterprise production , the mathematical model based on linear programming method is constructed . The model takes into account the supply of raw materials , device processing capacity , the material balance and price .

  19. 中国是世界上人口最多、粮食需求量最大的国家,粮食供应能够保持平衡、价格总体保持稳定,除了得益于始终紧抓粮食生产,更与以粮食仓储体系为基础的粮食储备体系的建立密不可分。

    China is the most quantity of population and food requirement nation in the world . It dues to the grain reserve system which base on grain depot system as well as concentrating on grain production all the time , which ensure China to maintain food supply and demand equilibrium .

  20. 煤炭供求平衡的合理价格机制研究

    Study on reasonable price mechanism for coal supply-demand balance

  21. 市场供应与需求平衡,因此价格稳定的状态。

    Equilibrium the state where market supply and demand balance each other and , therefore , prices are stable .

  22. 1994年5月以来的原油和成品油流通体制改革已取得初步成效,刹住了社会上的倒油之风,油品市场上供需趋于平衡,油品价格稳中有降。

    Results have already been attained following the May , 1994 reform of China 's crude and finished oil distribution system .

  23. 产量损失的影响还与供需(不)平衡造成的价格变化有关。

    The effects of the production losses are also linked to price variations , which are caused by supply and demand ( im ) balances .

  24. 作为一个整体,它是不发达的,具体表现在以公债为主要的发行和交易对象,发展不平衡,证券价格变动剧烈等方面。

    As a whole , it was undeveloped , showing concretely that government bonds as main issue and trading object , develops unevenly , and the securities price changed violently .

  25. 在市场经济条件下,随着能源竞争的日趋激烈,煤炭供需的平衡以及煤炭价格的公平性呼声亦日益凸显。

    In a market economy , with the increasingly fierce competition in energy , coal supply and demand balance and the fairness of the price of coal has become increasingly prominent voice .

  26. 其中,4个主产区作为价格传导的来源地区,4个主销区或平衡区作为价格接受地区,而每一个主产区和对应的价格接受地区就构成一个省份对。

    There are four main areas as source regions of the price transmission mechanism , and four sales arear or balance areas as the price received regions . And every main area constitutes one pair of provinces with corresponding price received regions .

  27. 指出宅基地使用权流转制度是现代物权发展、经济体制变革、供需平衡规律,价格对经济行为的重要影响共同催化的结果。

    House foundation pointed out that the right to use the circulation system is the development of modern property rights , economic system reform , the law of supply and demand balance , prices on the economy of an important impact on the outcome of the common catalysts .

  28. 2004年煤炭市场预测供需总量平衡供求矛盾难免价格继续上涨

    Prediction of coal market in 2004

  29. 编制企业价值型投入产出表在平衡中所遇价格问题的处理探讨

    Discussion and Treatment About the Price Problem in the Drawing up I / O Table of Enterprise Value Model

  30. 公道地说,中国官方在平衡经济增长与价格控制方面,往往比他们的西方同行更有技巧。

    To be fair , the Chinese authorities have often been more skilful than their Western counterparts in balancing growth with price control .