
  • 网络Pluralism;multiculturalism;cultural pluralism;religious pluralism
  1. M.沃尔泽以多元主义为依据、以成员资格为前提、以社会善物为视角、以复合平等为目标,采用一种实例阐释的手法,分析了正义三原则及其适用范围。

    Grounded in pluralism , upsetting membership as the prerequisite , choosing social goods as the perspective , and taking complex equality as the goal , Walzer analyses three principles of justice and their application margin by means of interpretation with examples .

  2. 价值多元主义的政治意蕴&在自由与价值选择之间

    Politics meaning of value pluralism & Between liberty and value choice

  3. 福利多元主义视角下的医疗保险政策分析

    Analyzing Health Insurance Reform in China : A Welfare Pluralist Perspective

  4. 宗教多元主义是世界和平的关键。

    Religious pluralism is the key to peace in the world .

  5. 后现代结构方法主张视角多元主义,克服定式化思维。

    The Postmodern methods claim diverse perspectives , overcome fixed thinking .

  6. 这些立场都存在于多元主义更宽泛的框架之内。

    And those positions live in the wider frame of pluralism .

  7. 福利多元主义:福利提供从国家到多元部门的转型

    Welfare Pluralism : Welfare Provision Transformation from State to Multi-sectors

  8. 文化多元主义理论视角中的新疆双语教育

    Bilingual Education in Xinjiang in the Perspective of Multicultural Theories

  9. 发展策略是多元主义还是专业主义?

    Whether the tactic of development is specialization or pluralism .

  10. 科学多元主义关乎的是思维的开放性,而不是知识的相对主义。

    Scientific pluralism is about openness of mind not relativism of knowledge .

  11. 他们宣称,多元主义要求接触许多相互竞争的范式。

    Pluralism , they asserted , required exposure to many competing paradigms .

  12. 冲突与调适:南方山地民族的法律多元主义格局及其走向

    Conflict and Readjustment : the Pluralistic Framework of Law and Its Development

  13. 论以赛亚·伯林的自由主义与价值多元主义的内在张力

    Talk about Berlin 's Liberalism and Plural Doctrine of Value Inherent Tension

  14. 精英主义与多元主义&政治社会学两种基本理论模式述评

    Elitism and Pluralism : A Review of Two Basic Political Sociology Models

  15. 它同时也是对讲究方式方法的多元主义的及时认可。

    It is also a timely recognition of methodological pluralism .

  16. 向多元主义推进的趋势在绘画中也同样明显。

    The same push towards pluralism is evident in painting , too .

  17. 论多元主义对哲学社会科学研究方法的拓展

    What Development Pluralism Made on the Research Methods of Philosophy and Social Science

  18. 以赛亚·伯林的价值多元主义思想研究

    A Research on Isaiah Berlin 's Theory of Value-Pluralism

  19. 政治多元主义将是历史选择的方向。

    History is on the side of political pluralism .

  20. 我来简单地对宗教多元主义下个定义。

    Let me just define religious pluralism very simply .

  21. 其对立面为多元主义,各种意见的杂乱并存的一体化世界。

    A one-system world whose opposite is pluralism , a chaos of opinions .

  22. 西方政治社会中有两种主要的理论模式:精英主义和多元主义。

    There are two basic models in western political sociology : elitism and pluralism .

  23. 对富有人情味的多元主义价值观的提倡。

    The promotion of humane , pluralist values .

  24. 宗教多元主义提出这样一个问题:,我们如何能够共同积极,具有建设性地生活?

    Religious pluralisms ask the question : how can we live positively and constructively together ?

  25. 论詹姆斯·麦迪逊多元主义政治思想

    On James Madison 's Pluralist Political Theory

  26. 多元主义是它的动力,混乱是它的本质,而固有的不确定性则贯穿于它的发展始末。

    Pluralism is their motive force , their essence chaotic , their development inherently uncertain .

  27. 美国多元主义政体成因探析

    The Origins of American Pluralistic Polity

  28. 价值多元主义审视

    A Look at Pluralism of Value

  29. 在亚洲,马来西亚和印度尼西亚表现出明显的背离政治多元主义的消极趋势。

    In Asia , negative trends away from political pluralism are evident in Malaysia and Indonesia .

  30. 多元主义设计思想体现的共生美学观

    Symbiotic aesthetics embodied in pluralistic design