
  • 网络deauville
  1. 去年12月9日,欧盟宣布改变信条,逆转了多维尔峰会出炉的PSI创新。

    On December 9 a change in doctrine reversing the Deauville PSI innovation was announced .

  2. 不幸的是,尽管逆转了多维尔峰会的psi“创新”,但投资者信任仍未恢复。

    Unfortunately , despite reversing the Deauville psi innovation , investor trust has not been regained .

  3. 互联网企业家周四在法国多维尔叫板自己的未来监管者。Facebook、谷歌(Google)和其它科技公司的掌门人告诫八国集团(G8)领导人,在作出监管网络的企图时应审慎行事。

    Internet entrepreneurs confronted their would-be regulators in Deauville on Thursday as the leaders of Facebook , Google and other technology companies warned the G8 leaders to tread carefully in attempting to police the web .

  4. 这份报告是在法国多维尔举行的女性经济与社会论坛(Women'sForumfortheEconomy&Society)上发布的。报告发现,在股权回报、运营业绩和股价增长方面,此类公司在其所在行业中表现得更好。

    The report , launched at the Women 's Forum for the Economy & Society in Deauville , France , finds these companies do better than their sector in terms of return on equity , operating result and share price growth .

  5. 正如bruegel所指出的,驱动投资者情绪的是多维尔(deauville)宣言之类的事件或希腊赤字的规模。

    As Bruegel notes , it is developments such as the Deauville declaration or the size of the Greek deficits which have driven investor sentiment .

  6. 工业化八国集团成员国领导人也在多维尔两天的会议期间谴责了伊朗的核项目。

    G8 leaders in Deauville also condemned Iran 's nuclear program during their two-day meeting .

  7. 最近柏林方面就希腊债务可能重组所发表的言论,像是一个新的多维尔时刻。

    Recent Musings from Berlin about a possible Greek debt restructuring was a new Deauville moment .

  8. 我从土鲁斯到巴黎,在那里没有耽搁多久,就到了加来,随后就在多维尔平安登陆。

    I travelled from Toulouse to Paris , and without any considerable stay came to Calais , and landed safe at Dover .

  9. 有一个春天我在戛纳见到他们,后来又在多维尔见过,再后来他们就回芝加哥定居了。

    I saw them one spring in Cannes , and later in Deauville , and then they came back to Chicago to settle down .

  10. 萨科齐下星期将在法国多维尔市主持八国峰会,这会给他机会发挥国际政治家的才能。

    Next week , Sarkozy hosts the G8 summit in the French city of Deauville-giving him the opportunity to burnish his international statesman 's stature .

  11. 这是八国集团在法国多维尔举行的两天峰会结束的时候发表的最后宣言中提出的主张。

    The statements came in a final declaration wrapping up a two-day summit of the world 's eight most industrialized countries in Deauville , France .

  12. 在法国北方城市多维尔开会的欧盟各国国防部长同意逐步停止他们在波斯尼亚的维和任务,但他们没有确定完成这项任务的期限。

    EU ministers meeting in the northern French city of Deauville agreed to phase out their peacekeeping presence in Bosnia , although they did not set a deadline to do so .

  13. 向日葵像这一种在北科罗拉多州的阿什维尔,珍视它的美丽但也因为它们的种子和油。

    Sunflowers like this one in Asheville , North Carolina , are prized for their beauty but also for their seeds and oil .