- 网络Perennial herb;perennials

Ixeris chinensis ( Thunb . ) Nakai is perennial herb plant belongs to Composite family and Ixeris Cass .
Dipsacus asper Wall . , the Dipsacaceae plant , Perennial herb .
Ginseng ( Panax ginseng C. A. Mey . ) is the roots of perennial herbaceous plant .
Polygonum multiflorum Thunb ( PM ) is an earthnut plant and is typically traditional anti-aging herb in China .
Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi ( skullcap ), or " Huangqin " in Chinese , is a perennial herb of the Labiatae family .
Stinging nettle ( Urtica dioica ) is a perennial plant .
Salvia splendens , also known as Pau Red , is attached to the Labiatae Salvia perennial herbs , often for annual cultivation .
Belongs to Polygonaceae , its root and rhizome have been used in traditional Chinese medicine .
The Apocynum venetum is a natural herb belong to apocynaceae , mostly distributed in the northwest saline-alkali soil .
Duchesnea India ( Andr . ) Focke ( D. indica ) is a perennial herb of Rosaceae Duchesnea , and distributed throughout the country .
Agropyron mongolicum Keng , a perennial grass , belongs to Agropyron in Gramineae , which is mainly distributed in the north China .
Agrimony ( Agrimonia Pilosa Ledeb ) is the Rosaceae perennial herb agrimony of the whole plant .
Pyrethrum ( Chrysanthemum Cinerariifolium ) is a species of perennial herbage plants , and a sole industrial insecticidal plant all over the world .
Crepis is a plant of Crepis species of Asteraceae , annual or perennial herb .
Panax notoginseng ( Burk ) F. H. Chen is one of the most famous Chinese traditional medicinal plants , which belongs to Panax genus under Araliaceae family .
A total of 187 wild fiber plants belonging to 33 families and 76 genera are recorded for the first time in Changbai mountainous areas in a study conducted in 3 years .
Polygonatum sibiricum Red . , which belongs to Polygonatum Liliaceae , is Perennial herb . It has the medicinal value , edible value and ornamental value in one .
The dry root of Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi which is perennial herbaceous plant of Labiatae Scutellaria , is one of the staple Chinese herbal medicine in China with long officinal history .
Dioscorea ( Dioscorea zingiberensis C.H. Wright ), which belongs to Dioscorea family in Dioscoreaceae , is a perennial twisted herb and a unique steroid hormone drug plant in China .
Ginseng ( Panax ginseng ) is Araliaceae perennial herb that contains various bioactive substances , which could prevent tumor , retard aging process , provide radioresistance and many other biological applications . Ginsenoside is the main active ingredient of Panax ginseng .
Polygonum capitatum Buch . - Ham . ex D.Don is a kind of perennial wild medicinal plants widely distributed in China , it is of high economic and ornamental value .
Taraxacum mongo ( TM ) is one kind of catananche renascent herbs , and has various pharmacological effects , such as broad-spectrum antibiotic , antimutation , antitumor , and oxidation resistance and so on .
Lilium pumilum DC . and Lilium cernuum Kom . are the perennial herbaceous bulbous plants , which belong to the Lily of the Liliaceae , with high ornamental value .
Strawberry is a kind of perennial herbaceous plant in the Rosaceae family , which is a major berry crop around the world . It has highly edible and economical value .
The Jerusalem artichoke ( Helianthus tuberosus ) is belong to Helianthus as a perennial herb , which has a strong ecological adaptability and is widely grown all around the world .
The genus Rhodiola ( Crassulaceae ), a perennial herbaceous plant , consists of about 90 species all over the world , distributed mostly in the high cold region of the Northern Hemisphere .
Zingiber officinale Roscoe , belonging to Zingiber of Zingiberaceae , is a perennial or annual training herb . It initially originated from Pacific isles , and now it is widely distributed in regions of the world .
Trillium tschonoskii Maxim , locally named " a pearl on head " , a perennial herb of Liliaceae , mainly distributes in east Asia and north America . In China , T.
Rehmannia glutinosa Libosch is a perennial herb of Scrophulariaceae , and is one of the earliest medicinal plants that have been cultivated in China . Its root is used frequently as a crude drug in traditional Chinese medicine .
Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi ( S. baicalensis ) is an herbaceous perennial plant used as a medicinal plant , which roots have been used for cleaning away heat , moistening aridity , purging fire , detoxifying toxicosis , and is also anti-abortion agent .