
  • 网络diversification;Diversification Strategy;DIVERSITY
  1. 然后通过建立SWOT分析模型,制定了该公司基于集中供热业务的多角化经营战略;

    Then through establishing SWOT analysis model , The diversification strategy is being made out ;

  2. 多角化经营是当今企业发展的一大趋势。

    At present , diversification is a developing tendency to many enterprises .

  3. 发达国家企业多角化经营的误区与启示

    Pitfalls and Lessons of Diversification from Enterprise in Developed Countries

  4. 多角化经营&大型黑色冶金矿山企业的取胜之道

    Diversified Economy-The Way of Larger Black Metallurgical Mine Enterprises to Win Victory

  5. 德兴铜矿资源多角化经营战略的思考

    Reflect on Multi-angle Operating Strategy of Dexing Copper Resource

  6. 航运企业发展应广泛实行多角化经营战略

    Development of the Shipping Enterprise Must Carry out the strategy of Business Diversification

  7. 多角化经营战略的评析及选择方法

    On Evaluation and select method of diversification strategy

  8. 我国制造业上市公司多角化经营行为分析

    The Diversification of Manufacturing Listed Companies in China

  9. 有效的多角化经营依托高效的领导驾御。

    Effective diversification is determined by efficient leading .

  10. 对企业多角化经营战略的思考

    On Strategy of Multi-angulate Approach in Business Management

  11. 随着多角化经营的普遍扩展,品牌延伸策略愈来愈广泛的被企业使用。

    Along with multi-field operating , brand extension strategy is extensively used by enterprises .

  12. 多角化经营与企业核心竞争力

    Diversity Management and Company 's Core Competitiveness

  13. 基于母合优势的多角化经营分析

    Analysis on Diversification Based on Parenting Advantage

  14. 多角化经营是否提高了企业的负债水平和偿债能力,增加了股东的财富和价值?

    Does diversification improve corporation liability and financial solvency and increase the wealth of shareholder ?

  15. 论韩国大企业的多角化经营

    On business diversification of Korean enterprises

  16. 基于领导驾御力的多角化经营研究

    Leaders ' Competency-Based Corporate Diversification Strategy

  17. 企业多角化经营行为分析

    Analysis of diversified management of enterprise

  18. 企业集团多角化经营机制研究企业多角化经营战略研究

    On the Mechanism of the Diversified Operation of the Enterprise Group Study on Bussiness Diversification Strategy

  19. 从而为多角化经营机理与模式的研究奠定实践和理论的基础。

    Which established the theoretical and practical basis of researches on mechanism and modes of business diversification .

  20. 企业知识吸收能力与多角化经营

    Knowledge Absorptive Capacity and Diversification

  21. 多元化经营,也称为多样化经营或多角化经营,指的是企业在多个相关或不相关的产业领域同时经营多项不同业务的战略。

    Diversification strategy means that companies in a number of related or unrelated industries operate a number of different businesses .

  22. 日本大型纺织企业实施多角化经营战略应对产业衰退。

    Japanese large textile enterprises choose to implement diversification strategy in responding to the recession of the original principal businesses .

  23. 办理水土相关之多角化经营,增加水利会之财务收入;

    Diversification of irrigation associations'functions to the water-land-soil related multi functions is also recommended for consideration to increase the financial incomes .

  24. 多角化经营战略与企业绩效的关系是战略管理领域最重要的研究课题之一。

    The relationship between diversification strategy and performance is one of the most important research topics in the field of strategy management .

  25. 企业的多角化经营容易造成力量分散,增加管理难度,增大企业风险,难以形成特色经营等弊端。

    The multi orientation management of enterprise is easy to form some defects , such as decentralizing force , increasing difficulty of management , increasing enterprises risk , etc.

  26. 企业在多角化经营选择时,是以企业利润最大化为目的来寻求企业资源的最优配置的动态搜寻与匹配的过程。

    When the enterprise chooses in diversified management , it is dynamic seeking and compatible course of looking for optimum dispose of enterprise resource by aim of maximization of enterprise profit .

  27. 系统地研究了企业多角化经营战略在世界范围内的发展过程和产生的原因,从多个角度对企业多角化经营战略进行了系统的分类,并深入分析了影响企业选择多角化经营战略的因素

    This paper , from the point of view of the whole world , studies systematically the developing procedures and the genesis of BDS , then analyzes the factors which influence an enterprise to select BDS

  28. 第五章在前几章分析的基础上提出了多角化经营战略及实施方式,以及支撑多角化经营战略的信息化发展、资源发展战略,并对组织结构与战略相适应方面也进行了论述。

    The last chapter puts forward multi-industry strategy base on above chapters and points out how to implement it , information development strategy and resource development strategy to support multi-industry . In the end , the problem that organization structure how to conform to strategy was discussed .

  29. 再适当利用多角化等产品经营策略,积极向外部市场扩张,以分散经营风险、提高企业活力。

    In the meantime , multiple product marketing strategy being properly used , actively expanding outside market in order to reduce market risk and to improve vigour of enterprise .

  30. 文章运用计量分析方法,通过对符合条件的230家上市公司的深入研究,提出了不同行业特征条件下,所应采取的多角化战略形式及其经营绩效状况。

    By using mathematical approach , after having a further study on the suitable 230 listed companies , this article points out the relationships between diversification strategy form that the company should adopt and management performance it can obtain on condition of different trade characteristic .