
  • 网络personnel control
  1. 市场经济所释放的自由,非但没有削弱该部门的地位,反而令人事控制在权力角逐中变得空前重要。

    Far from undermining the department 's position , the freedoms unleashed by the market economy have made personnel control more essential than ever in fending off rivals for power .

  2. 战略控制、人事控制、文化控制、财务控制、绩效控制、信息控制是母子公司管理控制的六种基本手段。

    Strategic control , personnel control , cultural control , financial control , performance control , information control are the basic means of the six management control types of the Parent-Subsidiary companies .

  3. 我国公司机关的权力中心是控制股东人事控制链下的一系列部门。

    In China , the power centre of corporate is to control a series of departments under the personnel control chain of shareholders .

  4. 这一持续的实际控制权是一组排他性使用和处置企业稀缺资源的权利束,可分为资本控制权、人事控制权、市场控制权、核心技术控制权、文化控制权。

    The sustained effective controls are a bundle of rights of exclusive over the use and disposal of scarce resources , which can be divided into capital control , human resources control , market control , core technology control and cultural control .

  5. 本文还针对预警评价结果提出了相应的建议,包括加强资金、人事和集团内部控制等方面的管理,为该集团在将来获得持续的市场竞争优势做好准备。

    This paper provides corresponding suggestions according to warning evaluation results , such as promoting the management of capital , human resource , internal control etc , in order to help the group obtain the constantly competitive advantages .