
  • 网络awami league;Pakatan Rakyat
  1. 选举官员说,人民联盟在7年后的第一次议会选举中以压倒性多数成为占统治地位的政党。

    Election officials say the Awami League overwhelmingly was the dominant party in the first parliamentary election here in seven years .

  2. 随后,2008年,人民联盟在选举中以压倒优势获胜,重掌大权。

    It was followed by army-backed unelected technocrats . Then in 2008 the Awami League swept to power in a landslide victory .

  3. 只有“副社长赵显娥是会长的家庭成员这一事实”才能解释此事,颇有影响的民间组织参与民主人民联盟(People’sSolidarityforParticipatoryDemocracy)说。

    The episode cannot be explained " except by the fact that Vice President Cho Hyun-ah was a member of the chairman 's family , " said the influential civic group People 's Solidarity for Participatory Democracy .

  4. 去年,人民联盟废除了由过渡政府监督选举的规定。

    Last year the League did away with the provision that caretaker administrations should oversee elections .

  5. 津巴布韦非洲人民联盟

    Zimbabwe African People 's Union

  6. 这是几内亚人民联盟在政府被推断的发表的第一份声明。

    This is the first statement of the Rally of the Guinean People party following the overthrow of the government .

  7. 由谢赫.哈西娜领导、主张政教分离并执行中间偏左路线的人民联盟赢得议会300席中的大约230席。

    The secular , left-of-center party , led by Sheik Hasina , captured about 230 of the parliament 's 300 seats .

  8. 问题是美国人认为人民联盟是准备好了的,并且他们可能会按照此方法迫使内塔尼亚胡做出让步。

    The problem is that the Americans think the PA is prepared , and they are likely to pressure Netanyahu to make concessions along these lines .

  9. 对人民联盟来说,若要重新当选过去没有过真正意义上的选举产生的政府需建立在迅速消除贫困,解决资源匮乏和操持政律畅通的基础上。

    For the League , re-election something no elected government has ever achieved in Bangladesh depends on faster poverty-reduction , reduc in g power shortages and maintaining law and order .

  10. 在市议会反对修建该大厦的领导者是中右翼人民运动联盟(UnionforaPopularMovement)的娜塔莉·科希丘什科-莫里泽(NathalieKosciusko-Morizet)。她今年竞选市长一职败北。

    Leading the charge against the tower in the City Council was Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet , from the center-right Union for a Popular Movement , who ran for mayor against Ms. Hidalgo this year and lost .

  11. 人民民主联盟去年开始反对支持Thaksin的政府,他们占领了政府机构,长达三个月,并占据了曼谷的两个大机场,长达一周多。

    The People 's Alliance for Democracy launched protests in May last year against the pro-Thaksin government . These included occupying the government house compound for more than three months as well as the two main airports in Bangkok for more than a week .

  12. 热带森林土著部落人民国际联盟

    International Alliance of Indigenous Tribal Peoples of the Tropical Forests

  13. 南斯拉夫劳动人民社会主义联盟

    Socialist Alliance of the Working People of Yugoslavia

  14. 支持人民民主联盟的示威者已经迫使几个地区机场关闭,并扰乱了全国铁路服务。

    PAD protesters have forced the closure of several regional airports and disrupted national train service .

  15. 要加强人民对联盟的归属,我们的法律必须公正。

    To increase the attachment of our people to the Union , our laws should be just .

  16. 上个星期,人民民主联盟的支持者占领了主要政府办公大楼的大院。

    Last week , PAD supporters escalated the protests by occupying the compound of the main government office building .

  17. 警方说,他们希望和人民民主联盟谈判,但是他们有可能采用武力将抗议者赶出机场。

    The police say they want to negotiate with the PAD , but it is possible they will use force to clear the terminals .

  18. 我们欢迎联合国秘书长任命一位伊拉克问题特别顾问,与伊拉克人民和联盟代表一道工作。

    We welcome the appointment by the United Nations Secretary General of a Special Adviser for Iraq to work with the people of Iraq and coalition representatives .

  19. 在法国,总统萨科齐的保守派“人民运动联盟”预计将在欧盟议会选举中获胜。

    In France , too , President Nicolas Sarkozy 's conservative Union for a Popular Movement party is expected to emerge the winner in the E.U. parliament polls .

  20. 新政府领导人翁沙瓦是他信的妹夫。翁沙瓦表示要推动和解和与反政府的“人民民主联盟”进行对话。

    The new government leader , Somchai Wongsawat , a brother-in-law of Thaksin , had promised to promote reconciliation and talks with the anti-government People 's Alliance for Democracy .

  21. 苏奈说,政府向人民民主联盟提出一项撤离方案,允许他们撤回到他们曾经在8月下旬占领的政府办公场所。

    Sunai says the government is offering the PAD an exit strategy by allowing the alliance to return to the government house compound which it seized in late August .

  22. 人民民主联盟指控颂猜是前总理他信的代理人。他信由于面临腐败指控,在8月逃离泰国。

    The PAD accuses Mr. Somchai of acting as a proxy for former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra , who fled Thailand in August in the face of corruption charges .

  23. 反对党人民民主联盟在这里为示威者安排了帐篷和椅子,向他们提供食品和饮料,还有一个为人民民主联盟领导人讲话准备的讲台。

    The anti-government People 's Alliance for Democracy has set up tents and seats and provides demonstrators food and drink . There is a stage where PAD leaders give speeches .

  24. 人民民主联盟的领袖星期五说,尽管受到警方采取行动的威胁,而且他们也越来越丧失民心,他们仍然决心继续坚持抗议。

    Leaders of the People 's Alliance for Democracy on Friday said they remain determined to press on with the protest despite the threat of police action and a growing loss of public support .

  25. 但2012年7月,参议员兼人民运动联盟保守党成员艾伦•胡佩特在一项递给娜雅·瓦洛·贝尔卡桑的公开申请中表示,这项法律的“象征意义”可能会“削弱我们的现代意识”,并请求部长撤销此项法律。

    In July however , in a public request directed at Ms Vallaud-Belkacem , Alain Houpert , a senator and member of the conservative UMP party , said the " symbolic importance " of the law " could injure our modern sensibilities , " and he asked the minister to repeal it .

  26. 罗马尼亚亚洲和非洲人民之友联盟

    Romanian League of Friendship with the Peoples of Asia and Africa

  27. 非洲人民争取独立联盟;

    African people 's League for independence ;

  28. 国际争取人民权利与解放联盟

    International League for the Rights and Liberation of Peoples

  29. 波罗申科阵营和人民阵线可能组成联盟,同其他亲欧洲政党共同组建下一届政府。

    Poroshenko Bloc and Popular Front are likely to form a coalition together with other pro-European parties to form the next government .