
  • 网络Maple Leafs;Toronto Maple Leaf
  1. 多伦多枫叶队连续第三年捧杯。

    The Cup was won for the third consecutive year by the Toronto Maple Leafs

  2. 北美冰球联盟(NationalHockeyLeague)宣布,原定在这里举行的多伦多枫叶队(TorontoMapleLeafs)和渥太华参议员队(OttawaSenators)的一场冰球比赛也将推迟。

    A hockey game here between the Toronto Maple Leafs and Ottawa Senators was postponed , the National Hockey League announced .

  3. 她们的父亲约翰o休斯出生于多伦多,是一名律师,他曾经是康奈尔大学冰球队的队员,还曾经被多伦多枫叶队选中。

    John Hughes is a Toronto-born lawyer who played hockey for Cornell University and was drafted by the Toronto Maple Leafs .