
  • 网络Niagara falls;Niagara Falls City
  1. 尼亚加拉瀑布城因美妙的天然风景和媚俗旅游而闻名于世,现在正在吸引越来越多的吃货与冒险家。

    Known for its remarkable natural beauty and tourist kitsch , Niagara Falls is now evolving into a draw for those who love food as well as those who seek thrills .

  2. 一年前,尼亚加拉瀑布城烹饪学院新开了高端餐厅、熟食店、法式糕点屋与冰激凌店,距离大瀑布只有几步远,一夜之间提升了这片地区的餐饮业层次。

    A year ago , the Niagara Falls Culinary Institute opened a high-end restaurant , deli , patisserie and gelateria steps from the American Falls , transforming the area 's dining scene overnight .