
  • 网络Reichsbank;Imperial Bank;CIBC;CIBC Bank
  1. 当她开始说话的时候,她的声音很柔和,但却带着一分威严地:“加拿大帝国银行不会比你父亲差。”

    When she began to speak , her voice had softened , and she said in a dignified manner : " The Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce will not be less than your father . "

  2. 那个人是帝国银行的重要人物。

    That man is a big cheese at Empire Bank .

  3. 论法兰西第二帝国银行体制的变革

    To comment on the structural reform of banks of the second french empire

  4. 于是,1997年获得博士学位后,他在加拿大最大的银行之一加拿大帝国商业银行(CIBC)找了份工作。

    Instead , in 1997 , after earning his doctorate , he took a job at one of Canada 's largest banks , Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce ( CIBC ) .

  5. 本月早些时候,加拿大帝国商业银行首席执行官麦国熙(gerrymccaughey)表示,该行“低估了次贷市场可能恶化的程度,及其对那些被设计为极低风险的证券的影响”。

    Earlier this month , Gerry McCaughey , CIBC chief executive , said the bank had " underestimated the extent to which the subprime market might deteriorate and the degree to which that would impact securities that were structured to be very low risk " .

  6. 巴克莱资本银行和加拿大帝国商业银行加入到了开掉高级投银专家的长长的贷款人队列。

    Barclays Capital and CIBC joined the long list of lenders to jettison senior investment bankers .

  7. 加拿大帝国商业银行表示,贝克的说法毫无根据,并打算积极为自己辩护。

    CIBC said his claim was without merit and it intended to defend the matter vigorously .

  8. 分析人士预计,加拿大帝国商业银行明年还将面临更多资产减损,甚至可能出现亏损。

    Analysts expect it will face more and could even have to realise losses next year .

  9. 加拿大帝国商业银行拒绝就相关报道置评,其中包括该行自己投资银行部门的一份报告。

    CIBC declined to comment on the reports , including one by its own investment banking arm .

  10. (加拿大)加拿大帝国商业银行

    Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce

  11. 加拿大帝国商业银行已经减记了近10亿加元与美国抵押贷款市场相关的投资,规模高于其他任何一家加拿大银行。

    CIBC has already written down almost C $ 1bn of investments linked to the US mortgage market – more than any other Canadian bank .

  12. 在滑铁卢大学攻读博士学位及在加拿大帝国商业银行工作期间,李祥林的研究兴趣在于:如何利用联结曲线使当时的心碎综合症保险精算模型得以发展。

    Throughout his PhD at Waterloo , and at CIBC , Li had been interested in how he could use copulas to develop existing actuarial models of the broken heart syndrome .

  13. 这些其实是杀鸡给猴看滴,那些类似国家的首脑们,你们还有谁敢不听美利坚帝国和世界银行的旨意吗?

    Rather , it is for the benefit of the leaders of any other nations who might be thinking about disobeying the dictates of the US Empire and the World bank .