
  • 网络north york;Yonge&Finch;north yorkshire
  1. 这些绝美的图片,展现了银河在夜幕下一泻千里。这些照片拍摄于约克郡谷地国家公园和北约克沼泽国家公园,两地均被列为“黑暗天空保护区”。

    These photos have been taken from the Yorkshire Dales and the North York Moors – two national parks which have now been designated Dark Sky Reserves .

  2. 安大略省的法医署正在调查KristaStryland的死因,在北约克郡的整形诊所进行过腹部吸脂术后,该女性于周四死亡。

    The Ontario coroner 's office is probing the fate of Krista Stryland , who died Thursday after having fat removed from her abdomen at a North York cosmetic clinic .

  3. 他是在北约克郡长大的。

    He was brought up in North Yorkshire

  4. 1963年,英格兰北约克郡纽比教堂的K·F牧师拍摄了这张照片。专家称这张照片中怪异的幽灵并不是双重曝光的结果。

    It was taken by Reverend K. F. Lord in Newby Church , North Yorkshire , England , in 1963 , and photo experts have claimed that the rather bizarre looking spirit is not a result of double exposure .

  5. 部长表示,该工厂所有者ABP食品集团现已同意只采用英国和爱尔兰的肉源,并同意定期对银冠厂及位于北约克郡的分厂达莱帕克•汉布莱顿厂采用的肉进行DNA检测。

    The minister said the ABP Food Group , which owns the plant , had now agreed to source meat only from the UK and Ireland and to introduce regular DNA testing of meat at Silvercrest and its sister factory , Dalepak Hambleton , north Yorkshire .

  6. 这位现年28岁的会计师,在周六海选秀中崭露头角。他说他在北约克郡的Harrogate长大时常挨打,并被人嘲笑是怪物。

    The28-year-old accountant , who appeared on Saturday 's audition show , said that he was physically beaten and teased for being " a freak " when he was growing up in Harrogate , North Yorkshire .

  7. 现年36岁的马克·斯诺,是英国北约克郡埃尔顿村的一名木匠。

    Mark Snow , 36 , is a carpenter from Irton , North Yorkshire .

  8. 他是在北约克郡长大的。2.

    He was brought up in North Yorkshire .

  9. 分说明:2007年1月26日,英国北约克郡一个花园里,两只蓝雀在喂鸟器旁进食。

    File photo dated 26 / 01 / 2007 of Blue tits feeding in a country garden in North Yorkshire .

  10. 在北约克郡,当地和中央政府花了大量资金来保护这条千疮百孔的海岸线。

    Here in North Yorkshire , the local and central government has spent a lot of money to defend this battered coastline .

  11. 开车也同样危险:英格兰东北地区北约克郡的大雪,导致至少一例公路死亡。

    Driving was equally treacherous : heavy snow in North Yorkshire , North England , has resulted in at least one highway death .

  12. 吃约克郡布丁也经常成为美食比赛的主要项目。2006年5月在北约克郡的克利夫顿,参赛者们一次吃掉了近400个布丁。

    Yorkshire puddings are often the subject of eating feats and in May 2006 in Clifton West Yorkshire 400 were eaten in one sitting .

  13. 北约克郡的斯卡博勒海洋生物中心的海洋专家对其进行分析,他们称,出现双色龙虾的概率仅为五千万分之一。(环球时报网)

    Ocean experts in Sikabole Marine Life Center , North Yokshire , analysed the lobster and said it appears with a probability of one-in-billion .

  14. 在英国北约克郡斯卡伯勒小镇附近,一位名叫马克史诺的人占领在一棵百年山毛榉树上,下周二这棵树或将被砍掉。

    Mark Snow is occupying the 100-year-old beech tree near Scarborough , North Yorkshire , after it was faced with the chop on Tuesday .

  15. 他的天气预报如此之准确,以至于英国北约克镇的农民们干脆忽略气象台的预告,每天都对坎西克发布的天气预报情有独钟。

    The station has proved so accurate that farmers in North Yorkshire villages are ignoring the Met Office forecasters in favour of his readings .

  16. 为庆祝这特别的一天,女王穿了粉红色的套装。当时她在距伦敦250英里(400公里)远的北约克郡参加一个正式活动。

    The queen marked the occasion by wearing a pink ensemble while carrying out an official engagement in North Yorkshire , 250 miles ( 400 kilometers ) north of London .

  17. 2011年,生活在北约克郡沙罗的一名男子被延续三个小时的钟鸣激怒,将敲钟的人锁在了教堂钟塔内。

    In 2011 , a man living in Sharow , North Yorkshire , was so incensed by a three-hour peal that he locked the bell ringers inside the church belfry .