
  1. 1976-1986《北京文学》研究

    The Study of " Beijing Literature " Journal from 1976 to 1986

  2. 前建都期北京文学的地域特征

    Area Features of Beijing Literature before the Tang Dynasty

  3. 北京文学节:路在何方?

    Beijing Literature Festival : Where To Go ?

  4. 与影视共舞的20世纪90年代的北京文学&兼论京味文学第四波

    Beijing Literature in 1990s : Dancing with film and television On the science of literature

  5. 19~20世纪研究北京文学和戏剧的外文文献

    Researches in Foreign Languages on Beijing Literature and Dramas in the 19 ~ ( th ) and 20 ~ ( th ) Century

  6. 在《星星》《绿风》《北京文学》《诗选刊》等多种期刊发表诗文,曾出版诗集两本。现居湖北。

    He is the author of two books of poetry and has published poems in Stars , Beijing Literature and many other literary journals .

  7. 其诗歌、散文、小说、报告文学作品先后在《北京文学》《诗潮》《星岛日报》等海内外报刊发表。曾获多项文学奖。

    His literary works appeared in numerous literary journals and media in China and abroad , including Beijing Literature , Singtao Daily and many others and he has received a number of literary awards .

  8. 1997年11月,《北京文学》世纪观察栏目推出一组忧思中国语文教育的文章,一场关于语文教育的大讨论由此展开。

    November 1997 , " Century Observe " column of " Beijing Literature " put out one group article on " anxiety think of China language education " , therefore a free discussion of Chinese education is expansioned .

  9. 北京大学文学理论早期课程的案例分析

    An analysis of the first literature theory course in Beijing University

  10. 1953年后,在北京大学文学研究所任研究员。

    In1953 , the Institute of Literature at Beijing University researcher term .

  11. 它们是北京民间文学和旅游文化的重要组成部分。

    They are important component part of folk literature and cultural tourism in Beijing .

  12. 清代北京说唱文学的发展特点及研究意义

    The Characteristic of the Development and the Researching Significance of Beijing Talking and Singing Literature in Qing Dynasty

  13. 鲍鲸鲸毕业于北京电影学院文学系。

    Bao graduated from Beijing Film Academy with a degree in literature .

  14. 本文研究革命文艺青年于二十世纪三十年代在北平(北京)的文学生活。

    This paper aims at studying the activities of young revolutionary literati in the1930s'Peiping ( Beijing ) .

  15. 文学博士,现为北京某大学文学教师。著有诗集《在雨中奔跑》等。

    He teaches Chinese in a university in Beijing and has collection of poems namely RUNNING IN THE RAIN .

  16. 威廉•莫里斯:“艺术与社会主义”,《十九世纪英国文论选》。北京:人民文学出版社,1986年。

    Morris , William . " Art and Socialism . " Anthology of English Literary Theories in19th Century . Beijing : People 's Literature Press , 1986 .

  17. 如果说剧作家和理论家是电影艺术的“设计师”,那么,北京电影学院文学系便是培育中国电影“设计师”的摇篮;

    Since scriptwriters and theorists can be considered as designers of the film art , Screenwriting Department of Beizing Film Academy now proudly clams itself to be the cradle of Chinese films .

  18. 不久前,他到北京的老书虫文学节上发表了讲话。

    Recently he was in Beijing to speak at the Bookworm Literary Festival .

  19. 袁明教授一开始是北京大学西方语言文学专业的学生。

    Professor Yuan Ming was originally trained as a student of western language and literature at Peking University .

  20. 刁亦男上世纪80年代末毕业于北京中央戏剧学院文学系。毕业后他从事编剧工作,后来开始自己当导演。

    Mr. Diao graduated from the Central Academy of Drama in Beijing in the late 1980s with a major in literature , and he worked as a screenwriter before turning his attention to directing .

  21. 北京大学波斯语言文学系主任申一明表示,该项目以前每四年才招生一次,每次也只有10人左右登记。

    Shen Yiming , director of the Section of Persian Language and Literature at Peking University , said the program used to recruit students every four years , with only about 10 being enrolled each time .