
  • 网络north qinling
  1. 报道了北秦岭地块中秦岭岩群夕线黑云石英片岩61个碎屑锆石测点的207Pb/206Pb年龄测试结果,其中15个测点在SHRIMPⅡ上进行,46个测点来自LA-ICPMS的测定结果。

    U-Pb isotopic ages of 61 detrital zircon grains from the sillimanite-biotite-quartz schist of the Qinling Group in the North Qinling metamorphic terrane are reported in this paper . Of the 61 zircon grains , 15 were measured by SHRIMP ⅱ, and 46 by LA-ICPMS .

  2. 北秦岭剪切带型金矿的成矿规律

    Metallogenic regularity of shear zone type gold deposit in North Qinling

  3. 北秦岭存在A、B、C三类火山岩系列,对应着幔源型、壳幔混染型和壳幔混合型成因类型。

    In the Northern Qinling Mountains there are three igneous rock series : A , B and C series , corresponding to the mantle-derived , the mantle-derived magma contaminated by crust materials , and the crust-mantle mixing genesis types .

  4. Pb同位素比值三维空间矢量填图结果表明,在华北块体与北秦岭之间,沿洛南-栾川-方城断裂存在明显的地球化学急变带,分隔具有不同Pb同位素空间矢量组成的华北与北秦岭块体。

    Based on the three-dimensional space vector of Pb isotopic mapping , it is indicated that there exist a isotopic geochemical steep zone along Luonan-Luanchuan-Fangcheng faults between north Qinling and north China block .

  5. 东秦岭造山带早古生代(500Ma~400Ma)分别在北秦岭和南秦岭发育两条构造-岩浆杂岩带。

    There are two different Early Paleozoic ( 400Ma ~ 500Ma ) tectono-magma complex belts in the North and South Qinling of the East Qinling orogenic belt .

  6. 北秦岭前寒武纪地壳组成及其构造演化

    Crustal composition and tectonic evolution of the North Qinling orogenic belt

  7. 北秦岭造山带变形特征及其形成环境

    The deformation characters and developing environments for the North Qinling orogenic belt

  8. 北秦岭褶皱山系地质构造带的划分

    The characteristics of tectonic beits of the northern Qinling folded mountain system

  9. 北秦岭古聚会带壳幔再循环

    Crust - mantle recycling at the ancient convergence zone in North Qinling

  10. 北秦岭早古生代海相火山岩

    The marine volcanic rocks of Early Palaeozoic from northern Qinling

  11. 北秦岭海西期花岗岩的地质特征及其就位机制

    Geological features and its emplacement mechanism of Hercynian granites in the North Qinling

  12. 南秦岭逆冲推覆体系的形成及其与北秦岭逆冲推覆体系的关系&以南襄盆地87-600反射地震剖面为例

    Formation of South Qinling Thrust System and Its Relationships with North Qinling Thrust System

  13. 秦岭分北秦岭、中秦岭、南秦岭。

    Qinling is divided into three parts with the north , middle and south .

  14. 北秦岭天水东部地区地壳构造演化探讨

    Discussion on crust tectonic evolution in the east area of tianshui , North Qinling

  15. 北秦岭早古生代火山岩区成矿作用研究中的若干问题

    Some problems in study of mineralization in northern Qinling Early Paleozoic volcanic rock area

  16. 商州市金矿区位于北秦岭造山带与中秦岭造山带接合部的北秦岭南部边缘。

    The gold deposit of Shangzhou city is located at the southern border Beiqinling .

  17. 北秦岭晚古生代海槽与华北陆块石炭&二叠纪含煤岩系

    Late Paleozoic North Qinling trough and Permo Carboniferous coal measures of the North China block

  18. 凤县&两当地区北秦岭构造带地质组成及构造特征

    The Tectonic Characteristics and Geological Formation of North Qinling Tectonic Belt in Feng-liangdang County Region

  19. 北秦岭构造带(河南段)金、铜遥感地质综合找矿模式研究

    Gold and copper integrative prospecting model in Henan section of the North Qinling tectonic belt

  20. 北秦岭火山岩地球化学特征、成因和构造环境

    Geochemical Characteristics , Petrogenesis and Tectonic Settings of Volcanic Rocks in the Northern Qinling Mountains

  21. 北秦岭中、晚元古代地质演化特征及其有关问题讨论

    The middle and late Proterozoic geological evolution of North Qinling with discussion on some related problems

  22. 北秦岭东段裂谷活动、花岗岩特征与铀成矿作用

    Rift activity , characteristics of granite and uranium minerogenesis in the eastern part of northern Qinling

  23. 北秦岭地带断裂活动性氡气测试成果分析评价

    Analysis and evaluation of radon survey result in relation with fault activity in northern Qinling belt

  24. 河南北秦岭晚古生代孢子化石的发现及其地质意义

    Discovery and geological significance of the late Paleozoic spore fossils in North qinling , Henan Province

  25. 北秦岭晚古生代&中生代花岗岩类的Nd.Sr.Pb同位素地球化学特征及Nd.Sr

    Geochemical characteristics of sr , nd and Pb isotopes of Late Paleozoic-Mesozoic granitoids from northern Qinling belt

  26. 再论祁连&北秦岭接合部位晚古生代前地层划分

    Expound the pre-Late Paleozoic stratum dividing of the junction of the Qilian Mountain and North Qinling Mountain

  27. 北秦岭地区铁、铜、多金属矿床控矿构造的初步研究

    A preliminary study on the tectonic control of iron , copper and polymetallic ores in northern Qinling

  28. 南召-方城成矿带位于华北板块与北秦岭造山带接合部位。

    NanzhaoFangcheng mineralization belt lies at the junction of North China plate and North Qinling orogenic belt .

  29. 陕西北秦岭地区多旋迥发展特征及其构造演化史

    Characteristics of the structures in the northern Qinling Mountains area in Shaanxi Province and their evolutional history

  30. 北秦岭为一复杂构造带,形成向北反转的叠瓦状逆冲推覆构造。

    The north Qinling is a complicated structural zone , forming an imbricated thrust napped structure overturning northward .