
  • sakura festival
  1. 每年四月,日本人庆祝樱花节。

    Every April , the Japanese celebrate Cherry Blossoms Festival .

  2. 樱花节,樱花对我们来说始终是特别的。

    Cherry Blossom Festival , cherry blossom is always special for us .

  3. 汉译:因为如此,日本政府便每年都举办樱花节。

    Because of this , the government holds an Oriental Cherry Festival every year .

  4. 但今年的樱花节是尤其的非常的特别。

    But this year , the Cherry Blossom Festival is very , very special .

  5. 此时正是每年一度的美国华盛顿樱花节中的最佳欣赏花期。

    C.Washington 's annual Cherry Blossom Festival continues with cherry blossoms expected to peak this week .

  6. 今年的华盛顿樱花节定在3月27日至4月4日之间举行。

    This year 's National Cherry Blossom Festival is set for March twenty-seventh through April fourth .

  7. 今年的樱花节游客创新记录,达到200000人次。破纪录

    This year 's festival drew record numbers , as high as 200-thousand visitors . Draw a record number

  8. 赏花胜地:上海顾村公园于3月20日举办了樱花节。

    Where to go : In Shanghai 's Gucun Park the cherry blossom festival began on March 20 .

  9. 在日本陷入危机的时候谈论樱花节,似乎很奇怪。

    It might seem strange to talk about a Cherry Blossom Festival in relation to the crisis in Japan .

  10. 而今年,美国人们通过樱花节表达对日本受灾者的支持。

    And this year , people used the festival to show their support for victims halfway around the world .

  11. 据报道,人们正在担心,日本标志性的樱花节可能会成为历史,因为樱花树受到了入侵害虫的威胁。

    There are fears that Japan 's iconic cherry blossom festivals could be a thing of past as the trees are threatened by an invasive pest , it 's reported .

  12. 正在开花的粉红色和白色的开花预报春天的到来在国家的首都,在那里每年成千上万的游客聚集观赏这国家的樱花节。

    The blooming of the pink and white blossoms heralds spring 's arrival in the nation 's capital , where hundreds of thousands of visitors flock each year to visit the National Cherry Blossom Festival .

  13. 在布卢姆:樱花反映在华盛顿特区,星期四流域水域的潮汐在国家樱花节。

    IN BLOOM : Cherry blossoms were reflected in the waters of the Tidal Basin in Washington , DC , Thursday during the National Cherry Blossom Festival .