
  • 网络angel island;Angele Island
  1. 后来,他们做的橡皮筏的部分碎片和他们的一些信件在天使岛附近被人找到。

    Parts of their makeshift raft and some of the their letters were found on nearby Angel Island .

  2. 这也是乘渡船去天使岛和海湾其他地方的渡口。

    It 's also the place to catch the ferry to Angel Island and other places in the Bay .

  3. 中国移民是天使岛移民拘留所中滞留时间最长,审查最为严格,遭遇最为痛苦的移民。

    Chinese immigrants is the immigrants who is the longest-detained , the most stringent examined and have suffered the most painful .

  4. 迷人的天使岛郁郁葱葱,小径蜿蜒,是一日游的理想野餐场所。但在它却是军事基地。(名词短语分译)

    Invitingly green Angel Island , once a military installation , contains meandering trails and picnic spots ideal for a day 's excursion .