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tiān xià dà zhì
  • great order throughout the land;a vast orderly community;in good order;well governed
天下大治[tiān xià dà zhì]
  1. 天下大治。

    The country enjoys peace and prosperity .

  2. 初汉和初唐的统治者运用老子无为而治的思想治理国家使得民富国强、天下大治,说明了老子自然无为思想在历史上所产生的深远影响。

    The thought 's profound influence in history is demonstrated by the example of the great success in the beginning periods of Han and Tang dynasties .

  3. 依靠法律而建立的权威,才可能真正的在人民心中矗立,才可能真正的长治久安,才可能真正的天下大治。

    Relying on the law and the establishment of the authority , to be really stands in the hearts of the people , can only be the real long period of stability , truly " world dazhi " .

  4. 建立一个安定有序秩序统一的统治政权才能使为民为天下的政治目标和追求天下大治的共同政治理想成为现实的可能。

    To establish a stable and orderly unified regime , the political goals of " For the people , for the world ", and the common political idea to pursuit " a vast orderly world " may become true .