
  1. 予其以深度性的把握是必要和及时的。

    To grasp its profundity is both necessary and timely .

  2. 有否禁止授权签署人保管支票簿及签署发予其本人的支票?

    Are cheque signatories forbidden to keep cheque-books and sign cheques drawn in their favour ?

  3. 两位曾称该书为“血泪史”的批评家最后还是予其积极评论。

    Two critics who call the book a " Jeremiad " ultimately gave it a positive review .

  4. 关于驰名商标的保护首先表现为国际立法对其的扩大保护,然后是各国相继立法予其以特殊保护。

    As to the protection of well-known trademark , international legislation expands the scope , and many countries legislate one after another for special protection .

  5. 试验组在对照组的基础上予其膝痹消肿方治疗,四周为一疗程。

    Treatment group on the basis of the control group to the treatment of its knee Bi swelling side , surrounded by a course of treatment .

  6. 凡未经划线之支票或经普通划线之支票送交银行托收,该银行可作特别划线,划予其本行。

    Where an uncrossed cheque , or a cheque crossed generally , is sent to a banker FOR collection , he may cross it specially to himself .

  7. 本文研究了在渗碳过程中钢表面碳浓度和其中碳浓度分布的影响因素并给出了予测其表面碳吸收速率的扩散方程。

    The diffusion equation for predicting carbon concentration profiles and carbon concentration in the steel at the surface is solued in order to calculating case depthes and rates of absorbing carbon at the surface during carburizing process .

  8. 除一切险和战争险外,其他险别如果保险公司受理,可予投保,其额外保费应由买方负责。

    Risks other than All Risks and War Risk can be covered , if the insurance company accepts , and then the extra premium should be borne by the buyer .

  9. 逾期未办理或有紧急处置必要时,由植物检疫机关径予处置;其费用由输入人负担。

    If no such action is taken within the said time limit or if taking emergency measures is necessary , the plant quarantine authority shall directly dispose of the plants or plant products with the cost borne by the importer .

  10. 然而,对于实验者施予的压力,其大脑的应对方式有所不同。

    However , their brains dealt with the stress imposed by the experimenters in different ways .

  11. 电子测量技术的各个领域得到越来越广泛的应用,传统的电予测量仪器由于其功能单一,体积庞大,已经很难满足实际工作的需要。

    The application of electronic measurement technique has extended to more fields than ever . Due to limited functions and bulky , traditional electronic measurement equipment is very difficult to meet demands of real work .
