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  • 网络Essay on Heaven
  1. 神话哲学视域中的《庄子》天人论

    The Ideas on Relationships between Nature and Man of Zhuang Zi from the Viewpoint of Philosophy of Mythology

  2. 天人论主要描述人与自然世界之间的关系,对人的宇宙地位予以定位;

    The first centers on the relationship of man and nature , locating man 's position in the universe .

  3. 中医学天人相应论体系的建构

    Construction of Theory of Human - environment Inter Relation

  4. 《汉书》中所反映的天人谐调论

    The Argument of the Harmony between Heaven and Man Demonstrated in Han Shu

  5. 论王充对天人感应论的批判

    Wang Chong 's Criticism on the Theory of Sensation Between Heaven and Human

  6. 中国哲学天人关系论的考察与理解

    On the Heaven-man Relationship Theory of Chinese Philosophy

  7. 《黄帝内经》天人相应论与有机系统哲学

    The Idea of Correspondence between Man and Nature in Huangdi Emperor 's Internal Classic and Organic_ Systematic Philosophy

  8. 从当代西方环境伦理学看韩愈的天人感应论

    Considering Han Yu 's " Instinctive Connection between Man and Nature " from the Point of Western Environmental Ethics

  9. 而中国古代的移情说,最早可以追溯至天人感应论。

    In ancient China , empathy theory can be traced back to " interaction between heaven and mankind " .

  10. 天人感应论作为一种系统的理论体系,是由董仲舒在前人学说的基础上构建起来的。

    As a systematic theory , telepathy between heaven and man was constructed by Dong Zhongshu from the predecessors'theories .

  11. 天人相应论的思想基础为中国古代的元气论,天人相应的物质基础在于天人一气。

    The thought basis of the theory of human-environment inter relation is theory of vitality Qi of ancient Chinese philosophy .

  12. 以人事论和人心论为基本内容的天人关系论,本质上是探讨人的物质活动(“事”)和精神活动(“心”)及其相互关系的生活哲学。

    Obviously , the ancient Chinese philosophy was essentially a philosophy of life that studied the nature of and the relationship between man 's material activities and spiritual activities .

  13. 文章以神话哲学的视角探讨《庄子》天人关系论与上古神话的渊源关系。

    This study analyses the connections between the ideas on relationships between nature and man ( Tian Ren ) of Zhuang Zi and ancient myths from the viewpoint of philosophy of mythology .

  14. 并运用思想史和学术史相结合的方法,对先秦杂家六本著作的宇宙自然观、天人关系论、人性论、养生论和政治思想进行了逐本或综合性地分析论述。

    The visions of cosmos and nature , heaven-man relationship , human nature , health preservation and the political thoughts of these six books are studied by combining ideological history and academic history .

  15. 从存在论、感应论、恻隐论、家族论、政治论以及天人相应论这六个面向可以揭示出王阳明一体之仁的思想内涵。

    The paper discloses six dimensions in Wang Yang-ming 's thought of forming one body & existential theory , induced theory , theory of compassion , theory of family , political theory and theory of correspondence between man and universe .

  16. 本文写作思路则是沿着他的哲学观点,如天人关系论、人性论、明分论,来探讨管理的主体、管理的本质、管理的手段、管理的终极价值等问题。

    In this paper , the writing thought is along his philosophical views , such as the heaven-human relationship theory , theory of human nature , to dicuss the management subject , management object , management means , management issues such as the ultimate value .

  17. 但如果把自然等同于自然界来认识人与自然的关系,则很容易陷入董仲舒所提倡的天人相应论的泥潭,《思考中医》一书也未能避免。

    However , if we regard natural laws as nature to understand the relationship between man and nature , we may fall into the concept of man 's adaptation to nature proposed by Dong Zhongshu , and the book Reflections on TCM unavoidably fall into this concept .

  18. 其生态伦理学意蕴可以归纳为:和实生物的普遍联系论、物无贵贱的生态平等论(道家)、仁民爱物的天人和谐论(儒家)以及民胞物与的终极价值论。

    Its connotations of ecological ethics can be summed up as the theories of universal relation , ecological equality ( Taoism ), the theory of loving all the people and animals ( Confucianism ) and the theory that " People are my brothers and all things are my kinds " .

  19. 从中国传统哲学中的天人合一论,寻觅自然与人的和谐

    On the Concept of the Harmony between Nature and Human in Traditional China

  20. 第一,天人合一论。

    The first one is the harmony theory .

  21. 结论:中医学“天人相应”论具有普适性数学基础。

    Conclusion : There is universality of mathematics basis in the theory of correspondence between man and nature .

  22. 要推进生态文明建设,首先要吸取我国传统文化中“天人和谐”论的主要思想内涵,开展深入的学术研究与广泛的宣传普及教育;

    In order to promote construction of ecological civilization , to begin with , we should absorb the significant implications of the view of " harmony between heaven and man " in our traditional culture .

  23. 儒家天人合一三才论的自然整体观

    Outlook of Overall Nature of Confucian Harmony with God

  24. 天人合一&论亨利·大卫·梭罗的《瓦尔登湖》所蕴含的环境美德伦理思想

    Pursuing Harmony with Nature : On the Environmental Virtue Ethics of Henry David Thoreau 's Walden

  25. 物我对立与天人合一&论东西方文化对自然的不同认知方式产生的绘画影响

    Theory of Dual Contradiction and Harmony between Nature and Man : Different Ideas of Nature of the Occidental and the Oriental and Their Effects on Respective Paintings

  26. 摘要早期道教伦理以阴阳和谐的“天人合一”论为支柱,将建立太平世界作为它的治世理想,致力于个体的得道成仙,并以此来调节人们的现实社会关系。

    On the basis of the theory of " unification of nature and human " in the balance between yin and yang , the ethics of early Taoism tries hard to build a peaceful world , makes the individual be immortal nod adapts the relations between people and reality .

  27. 儒家又顺应这一趋势,提出了天人合一的天人关系论,并把天人关系的主题定在人道上。

    Conforming to this trend , Confucians advocated that Heaven and Man are one , with the Way of Man as the central theme for the Union of Heaven and Man .

  28. 中国历史上丰富而深刻的天人合一思想是孕育、形成天人相应论的思想文化母体。

    The abundant and profound thought of " oneness of heaven and man " in chinese history is the ideological and cultural mother of the theory of human-environmental inter relation .

  29. 《周易》、道儒两家早期有关天人关系的思想对于正在萌芽阶段的天人相应论具有启迪作用。

    The theory of Zhou Yi ( classic book ), Dao and Ru ideology about the relation of human and heaven enlightened the theory of human-environmental inter relation which was in the initial stage .

  30. 天人和谐价值观既坚持了马克思主义的辩证自然观,又继承了我们传统文化中的和谐思想,是对天人合一论的一种积极扬弃和升华。

    It insisting the dialectical natural view of Marxism as well as the harmonious thought of traditional Chinese culture , develops the theory of integration of nature and man .