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  1. 她们在同一天同一个时间去世。

    They passed away on the same day , at the same time .

  2. 你记得是因为我也是同一天同一时生的。

    You remember it only because I too was born on the same day , same time .

  3. 克里表示,他计划在未来几天同逊尼派掌控的阿拉伯国家的其他领导人商讨此事。

    Kerry says he plans to make the same case to other leaders in Sunni-dominated Arab states over the next several days .

  4. 在勒斯滕堡的新闻发布会上的惊人表现之后,特里之后一天同本报联系了,并且十分有悔意。

    When he contacted this newspaper the day after giving that astonishing performance in the press conference in Rustenburg , he did show genuine remorse .

  5. 他们认为用户固定在每一天同一时间收看他们的电视节目,同时他们还认为,所有观众对品牌广告的影响、口味也大体相同。

    They assume people watch TV during the same time each day ( while doing nothing else . ) They also assume people are equally influenced by brand advertising and that audiences are largely homogeneous .