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  1. 把法柜马上送去。

    Take the ark there immediately .

  2. 罗马人把法看成是正义与不正义的学问,对法学极其尊崇,在罗马,法学研究和法律解答已经发展成为专门化的职业。

    In Rome , Romans regarded law as a branch of knowledge about justice and injustice .

  3. 等把法柜装上。

    When that ark gets loaded .

  4. 邓肯·肯尼迪曾把法学院传统的第一年的课程形象描述为基本上是教19世纪后期自由资本主义的一些基本原则。

    Duncan Kennedy has described the traditional first-year curriculum as basically teaching the ground rules for late19th century laissez-faire capitalism .

  5. 把法的修行带进一个人的生命里,能把任何情况都转化成一个学习、解以及精神上的成长。

    Bringing Dharma practice into one 's life can transform any situation into one of learning , understanding , and spiritual growth .

  6. 长期以来,对法社会学的学科归属,法学与社会学之间展开了激烈的论战,都旨在把法社会学归属于自己学科门下。

    However , subject to the attribution of the Sociology of Law , there is a heated debate between the Law and Sociology , all want to the sociology of law vested in their own disciplines .

  7. 摘要从本源本体论、马克思主义理论和契约论等典型角度考察,要科学回答“法律是什么”必须把法的内涵和外延辩证统一。

    An investigation from the typical angles of onto1o , Marxism theory and the theory of contract shows giving a scientific reply to " what is law " must be united the intension and extension of the law dialectically .

  8. 英吉利海峡把英法两国分隔开来。

    The English Channel separates England and france .

  9. 北约(Nato)的律师们正试图解决如何把战争法应用于网络空间的问题。

    Nato lawyers are trying to work out how the laws of war operate in cyberspace .

  10. 大家都知道你特喜欢小法的DNA,做梦都想着哪一天把小法的DNA搁在高脚杯里像品葡萄酒一样喝掉,不过千万不要打他的头和心脏的主意。

    We know you love Cesc 's DNA , and long to slurp it up from ornate goblets , but please do not mention it , his head or his heart .

  11. 文中把DQ法用于分析细长压杆的临界力。

    In this paper , DQ method is used to analyze the critical force of a slender pressure roll .

  12. 在设计过程中,把QUEST法作为矢量观测数据压缩技术有效地结合进姿态估计器中,使得在多矢量观测情况下的滤波修正算法得到了简化。

    In addition , the QUEST algorithm is efficiently combined with the attitude estimator as the compressing technique of multi vector observation information in order to simplify the update implementation .

  13. 提出了一种单历元初始整周模糊度在航解算方法,该方法把LAMBDA法和ARCE法的优点综合于一体,可快速准确地解算整周模糊度。

    In this paper , an algorithm to calculate ambiguity on-the-fly is presented , which combines the merits of LAMBDA and ARCE .

  14. 本文首次把ABC法应用于受体流动性测量中的膜表面受体荧光标记,利用FRAP(FluorescenceRecoveryAfterPhotobleaching)技术实现了细胞内吞过程中膜受体流动性变化的测量。

    In this paper , we carried out the measurement of receptor mobility during endo cyto-sis with ABC ( Avidin-Biotin Complex ) method labeling receptors for the first time by FRAP ( Fluorescence Recovery After Photobleaching ) technique .

  15. 通过工程实例的应用和设计计算,成功地把SQP法应用于大型结构优化设计问题的求解,得到了满意的结果。

    In the structural optimization design of hydraulic presser beams and vehicle body , it is successful for the SQP method to apply in large-scale structural optimization design . The satisfied results are obtained .

  16. 提出了基于Markov约束的泊松最大后验概率(Poisson-MAP)超分辨率图象复原方法(MPMAP),该方法把Poisson-MAP法和Markov随机场先验分布有机地结合在一起。

    In this paper , Poisson-MAP Super-resolution image restoration algorithm with Markov constraint ( MPMAP ) is proposed which incorporates Poisson-MAP algorithm and Markov Random Field ( MRF ) prior .

  17. 从策略上把组合法应用于VUV荧光材料研究,将大大加快VUV荧光材料研究进程。与物理掩模或光刻技术相结合的薄膜沉积和液相法是组合材料合成最常用的方法。

    The development on VUV phosphors research will be improved greatly with combinatorial approach adopted . Among various parallel synthesis strategies , thin film deposition combined with a physical mask ( or photolithography ) and solution based synthetic methods are the most commonly used techniques .

  18. 我们必须把三角法这个观念加以引伸。

    We must invent an extension of the idea of triangulation .

  19. 一种把三角法应用于中、短距离测量的方法

    A new method of triangulation used for measuring medium and short distance

  20. 把辩证法作为批判资本主义的革命武器。

    Take dialectics as revolutionary weapon for criticizing capitalism .

  21. 通过把化学法合成的具有高导电性的聚苯胺粉末与丁腈橡胶共混,制备了聚苯胺/丁腈橡胶复合材料。

    The chemically synthesized polyaniline powder with high conductivity and NBR were blended to prepare composite .

  22. 没几年的光景,就把小法磨练成了一个好小伙子。

    Do not years before the project , put into a small law hone a good guy .

  23. 第一步是集中精力,把选举法修改好、完善好;

    The first step is to concentrate efforts , and amend and improve the Electoral Law well .

  24. 文章在传统的经典时序法模型的基础上进行了改进,把时序法与技术分析结合起来,并对时序法得出的趋势进行二次时序法处理。

    The paper improves the traditional time array method by combining time array method with technology analysis .

  25. 为了推广试错法,波普尔进一步把试错法与辩证法进行比较,对马克思主义辩证法进行了错误的批判。

    Popper also compares the method of trial and error with dialectics , and criticizes Marxist dialectics wrongly .

  26. 把词汇法引入英语委婉语教学,肯定了词汇法在英语委婉语教学中的价值。

    This article discussed the value of lexical approach by introducing it to the teaching of English euphemism .

  27. 在正文中,笔者把自然法观念的发展史划分为四个阶段。

    In the following four chapters , the author divides the history of this conception into four parts .

  28. 我的父亲邱阳创巴仁波切,把香巴拉法教引介到西方世界。

    My father , Ch ö gyam Trungpa Rinpoche , introduced the teachings of Shambhala to the West .

  29. 现在很多教育者开始把联想法应用到教学中,从而提高学生的创造思维能力。

    Many educators have tried to apply associational psychology to education , mainly to the education of creativity .

  30. 本文把经济法的体系分为微观的经济法和宏观的经济法。

    This article divides the system of economic law into the microscopic economic law and the macroscopic economic law .