
bǎ xì
  • acrobatics;jugglery;game;cheap trick;scandal;gimmick;sleight of hand;trick
把戏 [bǎ xì]
  • (1) [jugglery]∶杂技。变戏法或杂耍的技艺或表演

  • (2) [acrobatics]∶杂技演员的技艺、表演或动作

  • (3) [game;cheap trick]∶花招;为欺骗、哄骗对方而采用的一种卑鄙狡猾的计策或计谋

  • 耍鬼把戏

  • (4) [scandal]∶丑事;乱子

  • 莫非女孩儿又弄出什么把戏?

把戏[bǎ xì]
  1. 可怜的皮诺奇,不管高兴不高兴,都得学好多把戏。

    Poor pinocchio , whether he liked it or not , had to learn all the acrobatics ;

  2. 我都这麽大了,还陪你玩儿这些小孩子的把戏,真没劲。

    I thought that , I all such big , but also accompanies you to play these children 's acrobatics , is really insipid .

  3. 人人都讳莫如深——准是在搞什么鬼把戏。

    Everyone is being very secretive ─ there 's something cooking .

  4. 我看透了你的小把戏。

    I can see through your little game .

  5. 原来这就是他的鬼把戏。

    So that 's his game .

  6. 这种把戏可不够光明正大!

    That was a sneaky trick !

  7. “别跟我耍把戏!”他怒吼道。

    ' Don 't play games with me ! ' he thundered

  8. 算命是一种非常低级的把戏,充满了迷信色彩。

    Fortune-telling is a very much debased art surrounded by superstition

  9. 这是个老掉牙的把戏了,不过也许会有用。

    It 's an old trick but it just might work

  10. 他以为他能用那些可以一眼看穿的鬼把戏愚弄人。

    He thought he could fool people with transparent deceptions .

  11. 他不可能把骗人的把戏错当成真正的知识。

    It is unlikely he would have mistaken hocus-pocus for genuine knowledge .

  12. 他在新闻发布会上说选举将是一场骗人的把戏。

    He told a news conference that the elections would be a masquerade .

  13. 我想卡瓦纳先生的那套把戏玩不了多久。

    I don 't think Mr Cavanagh would get far with that trick .

  14. 米娅意识到她的把戏反而害了自己。

    Mia realised her trick had rebounded on her

  15. 在他看来,这是个猫捉老鼠的把戏,而我就是老鼠。

    It 's a cat-and-mouse game to him , and I 'm the mouse .

  16. 直到现在,美国人一直玩着精心设计的政治把戏。

    Until now , the Americans have been playing a very delicate political game .

  17. 我们的狗雷克斯会玩各种各样的把戏。它死的时候我哭了。

    Our dog Rex did all sorts of tricks . I cried when he died .

  18. 情况愈发难以确定,我们最终陷入一个唬人的把戏中。

    When the uncertainties become greater than the certainties , we end up in a game of bluff

  19. 我对父亲没任何敬意,他已经再婚,却依然喜欢耍老把戏。

    I have no respect for my father who , having remarried , is still up to his old tricks .

  20. 我看穿了你那套把戏。

    I see through your little game .

  21. 那只不过是唬人的把戏。

    It was just a game of bluff .

  22. 她耍把戏逗孩子们笑。

    She amused the children by tricks .

  23. “瞧!”他突然说到,似乎他已决定结束这场欲擒故纵的把戏。

    " look !" he said suddenly as if he 'd decided to cut short the cat and mouse game .

  24. 好多人,包括一些董事会成员,都对这个英国把戏感到担心。

    A lot of people around here , including some members of the board , are worried about that British caper .

  25. 那个新学生依然无所适从,他还不知道同学们彼此间玩的什么把戏。

    The new student is still wet behind the ears ; he has not yet learned the tricks that the boys play on each other .

  26. 还有什么东西能做到这种干枯又复苏的把戏呢?

    What else can do this dry-out-and-revive trick ?

  27. 把戏通常在你走进来之前就开始了。

    The tricks usually start before you walk in .

  28. 有趣的是,这种把戏似乎更适合男人而不是女人。

    Interestingly , this trick appears to work more with men than with women .

  29. 但是有人说你永远不能教老狗新把戏。

    Yet some people say that you can never teach an old dog new tricks .

  30. 那律师以他合法的把戏把陪审团搞糊涂了。

    The lawyer confused the jury with his legal legerdemain .