
A comparison between the skating mechanism of clap style skate blades and traditional skate blades ; A poignant anxiety thrust itself sharply into Presley 's heart .
The water cleaves the banks away like a knife .
She 's screaming like the mouse had a gun .
The method is based on the approximation of passive electric field problem into a Finite Resistance Network problem .
This thesis applies the theory of iconicity into the stylistic research and regards the iconicity as an important device to achieve certain stylistic effect .
You couldn 't pay me to take in a mad dog like that .
They tore my clothes , bullied and roared , as if they would have murdered me .
He got down off his box and rushed off , as if he was going to get the store manager .
When he finished drinking the first Coca-Cola , he twisted the straw as if it were a screwdriver and ordered the second .
Scarlett felt her heart begin its mad racing again and she clutched her hand against it unconsciously , as if she would squeeze it into submission .
a wall-eyed horse , tired of the loneliness of the stable , was poking his spectral head out of a window , with the rain dripping on it from the eaves ;
Alternatively , an abutment may be removed from an implant with the use of forceps and a tapping instrument such as a mallet or another forceps . Time passed , time that squeezed their bodies and hearts in a vice .
Wade 's fingers were in her skirt in a terrified grip .
Prosecutor made it sound like I was some kind of drug kingpin .
It was as though the broom was trying to buck him off .
But when our grandmother kissed us it felt like she was sucking us in .
Vanamee turned his lean ascetic face toward him , his black eyes fixed attentively .
He wasn 't a strong swimmer , and the river was moving at breakneck speed .
Patient : Yes , about an hour ago , and I thought I 'd shake the house down .
What is he doing ? She said , with an eagerness that seemed enough to consume her like a fire .
But she smiled when she spoke , consciously deepening her dimple and fluttering her bristly black lashes as swiftly as butterflies'wings .
Chapter Five applies Iconicity theory to the teaching Chinese as a second language , and it will better serve our teaching .
That doesn 't worry me as much as that sullen look , as though she 's going to get out a razor .
She drained the glass without pause for breath and then pulled at her stretch top trying to pump air through next to her skin .
Mr Feeder was stretching himself in his grey gown , as if , regardless of expense , he were resolved to pull the sleeves off .
And their mother had the satisfaction of knowing that she should be able to shew her married daughter in the neighbourhood , before she was banished to the North .
The other was a stag , a beautiful lordly creature with wide liquid eyes , dappled flanks and legs so thin and graceful that they looked as if you could break them with two fingers .
One was a Red Dwarf whose name appeared to be Duffle . The other was a stag , a beautiful lordly creature with wide liquid eyes , dappled flanks and legs so thin and graceful that they looked as if you could break them with two fingers .
It 's as if I had used a big silver key and rolled back the roof like a lid on a sardine can .
He picked it up hastily with a defiant glance about him , as though the desolation were trying to rob him of it ;