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hái shi
  • still;nevertheless;had better;all the same;withal;or
还是 [hái shì]
  • (1) 表示行为、动作或状态保持不变,或不因上文所说的情况而改变

  • (2) [nevertheless;still]∶尽管发生了以前的事或以前考虑过,仍要

  • 今天咱们还是装运木料

  • (3) [all the same]∶仍然,照样

  • 多年不见,他还是那么年轻

  • (4) [had better]∶提议是否这样之意

  • 你还是带上雨衣为好

  • (5) [or]∶在可供选择的东西、状况或过程中的挑选

  • 你去,还是他去

  • (6) [withal]∶另一方面

  • 虽然嗓音嘶哑而聒耳,但她还是有着一股吸引人的热情

还是[hái shi]
  1. 我们四处找,但还是没找到。

    We searched everywhere but we still couldn 't find it .

  2. 一天的活动结束后,我头脑中还是闹哄哄的。

    My head was still buzzing after the day 's events .

  3. 经过审慎的思考,她决定还是接受他的提议。

    She decided on reflection to accept his offer after all .

  4. 我紧抓着他,可他还是从我手里溜掉了。

    I grabbed him , but he slipped from my grasp .

  5. 水很冷,不过我还是冲了个淋浴。

    The water was cold but I took a shower anyway .

  6. 这是社交性的拜访,还是业务性的?

    Is this a social visit , or is it business ?

  7. 你还是抓紧处理这个问题为好。

    You would be well advised to tackle this problem urgently .

  8. 尽管遭到强烈反对,执政党还是获胜了。

    Despite strong opposition , the ruling party carried the day .

  9. “是”还是“否”,你就不能给我个直截了当的回答吗?

    Can 't you give me a straight yes or no ?

  10. 这部电影虽说不算精巧,但还是扣人心弦的。

    It 's a thrilling movie even though it lacks subtlety .

  11. 他最好还是更加集中精力在工作上。

    He would do well to concentrate more on his work .

  12. 你的房子是自己的,还是租的?

    Do you own your house or do you rent it ?

  13. 她觉得无论同事还是上司都不赏识她。

    She felt unappreciated both by her colleagues and her seniors .

  14. 尽管有语言障碍,他们还是相爱了。

    They fell in love in spite of the language barrier .

  15. 情况就是这样——不管你高兴还是不高兴!

    That 's the situation ─ like it or lump it !

  16. 他们无视所有那些危险水域告示牌,还是去游泳了。

    They went swimming in spite of all the danger signs .

  17. 最终你还是得自己拿主意。

    Ultimately , you 'll have to make the decision yourself .

  18. 我极想发牢骚,但还是没开口。

    I was sorely tempted to complain , but I didn 't.

  19. 尽管勉强,他最后还是同意帮助我们。

    He finally agreed , albeit reluctantly , to help us .

  20. 这是真的吗?还是我在做梦?

    Did it really happen or did I just dream it ?

  21. 考虑到这录音已年代久远,听起来声音还是挺清楚的。

    The recording sounds very crisp , considering its age .

  22. 护理不仅仅是一项工作,而且还是一种职业。

    Nursing is not just a job ─ it 's a vocation .

  23. 这是个带有圈套的问题,还是不作评论为好。

    It was a loaded question and I preferred not to comment .

  24. 她开始表示反对,但最终还是同意了。

    At first she demurred , but then finally agreed .

  25. 他真病了,还是装的?

    Is he really sick or is he just shamming ?

  26. 你的咖啡里要牛奶还是奶油?

    Would you like milk or cream in your coffee ?

  27. 我们采用第一方案还是第二方案?

    Shall we go for plan A or plan B ?

  28. 我们到底还是决定不离开。

    We 've decided not to go away after all .

  29. 尽管快80岁了,他还是十分活跃。

    Although he 's nearly 80 , he is still very active .

  30. 你要的是单人房间还是双人房间?

    Is that a single or a double you want ?