
  1. 南宗双修派的功夫论将炼丹分为三步:炼金丹,金液还丹和九转金液大还丹。

    The cultivating work of the south sect of integrated cultivation divides alchemy into three steps , cultivating the golden elixir , golden liquid back to elixir and the ultimate cultivation through nine transforms .

  2. 结论:还聪丹通过调节患者的脂代谢紊乱,起到改善血液粘稠度,提高脑血流量,改善血液携氧能力,从而达到改善或预防VD的发病;

    Conclusion : Through adjusting lipid metabolism , HCDC could improve blood rheologic characteristics , promote cerebral blood flow , improve the oxygen carrying capacity of blood to prevent and treat VD .

  3. 目的:探讨还聪丹对血管性痴呆(VD)发病相关因素脂蛋白、载脂蛋白及血清免疫球蛋白等的影响。

    Objective : To probe into the effect of Huancongdan capsule ( HCDC ) on the vascular dementia ( VD ) related factors , including lipoprotein , apolipoprotein ( apo ) and serum immunoglobulin .

  4. 你还记得为丹-贝克一案提供的证词吗?

    Can you recall testifying at the trial of Dan baker ?

  5. 我们还发现了丹酚酸类这个具有显著降血糖作用的新部位。

    We also find that the new section of the salvianolic acid which can lower blood sugar significantly . Fifth , the mechanism of anti-diabetes is discussed by splitting the effective parts of Fufang danshen tablet .