
  • 网络reducing power;Resilience;REDUCTION POWER;FRAP
  1. 仿真结果表明,该打包方案可以明显地改善FGS比特流的差错还原能力。

    Simulation results show that this packing scheme can improve the error resilience capability of the FGS bit streams significantly .

  2. 我还可以再加上一点,还原能力是重新找回自己15岁时感觉的秘诀。

    And , I might add , resilience is the key to feeling 15 again .

  3. 厌氧环境下Cr(Ⅵ)的微生物还原能力

    Reduction capabilities of microbial Cr (ⅵ) in anaerobic environment

  4. 高炉矿渣细粉对Cr(Ⅵ)的还原能力及测试方法

    Reducibility of Ground Blast-Furnace Slag on cr ( vi ) and its testing method

  5. 该色素的耐还原能力较好而抗氧化能力较差,当H2O2体积分数为4.0%时,其损失率达13.41%。

    The pigment exhibited a percent loss of13.41 % when exposed to4.0 % H2O2 .

  6. 数码相机ICC特性文件对不同颜色的色彩还原能力是不同的,那么运用ICC文件能否有效地还原舌色呢?本试验运用数码相机ICC特性文件对舌色的色彩还原效果进行了评价。

    Could the digital camera 's ICC Profile correct the color of tongue effectively ?

  7. 几种豆类均有一定的清除·OH、·O2-、·DPPH的能力和相应的还原能力。

    Some beans are efficient in OH - , O2 - , DPPH clearing ability and the corresponding reduction ability .

  8. 按照以上工艺制备的苹果多酚提取物具有较强的还原能力和抗脂质过氧化活性,并对羟自山基、超氧阴离子自由基及亚硝基具有很强的清除作用,且优于同浓度的维生素C。

    The apple polyphenol extracts had stronger reducing capacity , antioxidant activity on lipid-peroxidation , and scavenging effects on hydroxyl radical , superoxide anion radical and nitroso than ascorbic acid at the same concentration .

  9. 含MnO钛渣中氧化钒还原能力的研究

    Study on reduction of vanadium oxide in the titania slag containing MnO

  10. HA对Fe3+的还原能力较FA高,氧化还原容量亦比后者大。

    The reduction ability of HA on Fe3 + higher than that of FA ; and oxidation-reduction capacity was also larger than the latter .

  11. Cu引入催化剂使其形成固溶体,改善了催化剂的结构,增强了氧化还原能力,进而显著提高催化剂吸附、氧化SO2的活性,增加了化学吸附量。

    The introduction of Cu can improve the structure and enhance the redox ability of the catalysts , which significantly improves the catalytic oxidation performance for SO2 .

  12. 细胞谷胱甘肽(GSH)还原能力是细胞最重要的解毒机构,也是细胞中防御毒性物质最关键因素。

    Glutathione reduction ability is most important one of the detoxification mecha-nism in living cells , also is the most important defensive System .

  13. NBT还原能力显著增强;

    NBT reduction was significantly increased .

  14. TiO2具有化学性质稳定、氧化-还原能力强、抗光腐蚀、无毒及成本低而被应用到各种光催化氧化过程。

    Titanium dioxide is used in various photocatalysis and oxidation processes because of its chemical stability , strong oxidation-reduction ability , high photoetch resistance , non-toxic and low cost .

  15. 通过DPPH自由基体系、羟基自由基(·OH)体系和还原能力体系比较了三叶木通粗黄酮和纯化后黄酮的抗氧化能力。

    Akebia cottonwood coarse and purified flavonoids oxidation resistance are compared through the DPPH free radicals system , hydroxyl radicals (· OH ) system and restore ability system .

  16. 在所研究的催化剂中,添加除CeO2之外的其它过渡金属氧化物时,催化剂中Co~(3+)/Co~(2+)的氧化还原能力降低,因此其催化性能降低。

    The addition of other transition metal oxides except CeO2 lowered the redox ability of Co3 + / Co2 + , and thus lowered the catalytic activities for the decomposition of N2O .

  17. 我们以Ni(Ⅳ)为氧化剂,以天然高分子(酪素、甲壳素)上的弱还原能力的特征基团为还原剂,组成氧化还原引发体系,制得了高接枝效率的接枝共聚物。

    Ni ( IV ) was employed as oxidant and natural polymers ( casein , chitosan ) as reductant to make up the redox system to initiate the grafting polymerization . High grafting efficiency copolymer was obtained .

  18. 结果表明:紫甘薯花色苷具有一定的还原能力,对ABTS自由基均具有较强的清除作用。

    The results showed that they had stronger reducing capacity and scavenging effects on ABTS radical .

  19. 测定了绿原酸对食品中常见的致病菌的抑菌能力,清除DPPH自由基的能力和对Fe~(3+)的还原能力。

    Detect the bacteriostatic action against pathogenic bacteria in diets , the capacity of exhibiting DPPH · and reducing Fe ~ ( 3 + ) .

  20. 体外抗氧化实验表明,酸解所得产物DPPH·自由基清除能力及还原能力均优于酶解所得产物。

    The vitro antioxidant experiment showed that DPPH ? free radical scavenging capacity and reducing power of acid degradations were superior to the enzyme degradations .

  21. POM(polyoxometalate多金属氧酸盐)是除Ti02等半导体外,具有良好氧化还原能力和光电化学性质的另一类无机光催化剂。

    POMs ( polyoxometalates ) are other kind of photocatalysts with intriguing redox ability as well as photoelectrochemical property .

  22. 结果:腹膜间皮细胞在PDS干预下还原能力明显下降,A值显著低于对照组和黄芪组(P<0.05);

    Results : Significant decrease of mitochondrial dehydrogenase activities were observed in PDS group as compared with those in control group and AM groups ( P < 0.05 ) .

  23. 测定了氨基葡萄糖、不同氨基葡萄糖美拉德反应产物体外清除DPPH自由基、羟基自由基以及还原能力。

    The determination of glucomannan , different glucosamine maillard reaction products in vitro removed DPPH free radicals , hydroxyl radicals and the reduction ability were carried out .

  24. 各ChS组的NBT还原能力和酸性磷酸酶活性显著增强(P<0.05),各ChS组细胞均显示出较强的吞噬能力。

    NBT deoxidization ability and acid phosphatase activity of each ChS groups boosted up obviously ( P < 0.05 ), all the ChS groups displayed a strong gobbling ability .

  25. 结果表明,在适当的用药浓度下,从细胞生长抑制情况、形态学观察及NBT还原能力测定判断,三种药物对HL-60细胞有明显的诱导分化作用。

    It was found that these three compounds can induce the differentiation of HL-60 cells in vitro , judged by cell growth inhibition , morphologic observation and NBT reduction ability .

  26. 结果表明,ZH具有很强的ABTS+·自由基清除能力、Cu2+螯合能力以及还原能力。

    Results showed that ZH exhibited a strong ABTS + · free radical scavenging activity , reducing power , and Cu2 + chelation ability .

  27. Mg的掺杂即可破坏单相钙钛矿LaCrO3结构的形成,明显削弱其衍射峰强度,同时产生LaCrO4和La2CrO6及MgO物相,但提高了催化剂的还原能力,改善了催化活性。

    Doping of Mg inhibited the formation of perovskite LaCrO_3 structure and remarkably weakened the diffraction intensity , leading to formation of mixed phase of LaCrO_4 , La_2CrO_6 and MgO , thus enhancing reduction capability and catalytic activity of the samples .

  28. 由于H2S和SO2的氧化还原能力的差异,在利用多孔矿物负载高锰酸钾具有较高去除H2S的效率下,去除SO2的效率却不如ZnO负载多孔矿物。

    For the difference of redox ability between hydrogen sulfide and sulphur dioxide , the chemosorbents modified by potassium permanganate have a higher removal efficiency of hydrogen sulfide but a lower removal efficiency of sulphur dioxide .

  29. COO抑制猪油氧化的能力、对DPPH自由基和超氧阴离子自由基的清除能力、还原能力以及对Fe2+的螯合能力均优于ROO。

    COO was stronger than ROO in ability of inhibition to lard oxidation , scavenging DPPH radical and superoxide anion radical ability , reducing power aswell as Fe2 + chelating ability .

  30. 应用软琼脂集落形成法选出单克隆HL-60细胞系,系统地研究新维甲类化合物R81001的分化诱导作用。证明该药可使人早幼粒白血病细胞的NBT还原能力明显增强,呈浓度依赖性。

    By using soft agar colony-forming assay , a monoclonal subline of human promyelocytic leukemia HL-60 cells was isolated and inducing activity of differentiation of a new retinoid R-81001 on the cells was studied .