
  • 网络anionic dye
  1. 碱性白泥去除污水中氟、磷和阴离子染料的研究

    Removal of Fluoride , Phosphate and Organic Anionic Dye Using Alkaline White Mud

  2. 阴离子染料荧光素生物探针测定蛋白质

    Study of anionic dye fluorescein used as a biological probe to determine protein

  3. 阴离子染料(直接亮黄G)染色的K/S值较单用聚羧酸MAA1整理的棉织物提高了1.85。

    The K / S of dyeing with anionic dyes ( direct yellow ) enhanced by 1.85 compared to the fabric finished with MAA-1 .

  4. 阴离子染料酸性大红GR水溶液的脱色及反应机理

    Decolorization and mechanism of reaction for the wastewater containing anionic dyes

  5. 新生态MnO2对水溶性阴离子染料废水的脱色研究

    Experimental Decolorization of Anionic Dyes in Wastewater Using Fresh MnO_2 as Adsorbent

  6. 酸性pH有利于含铬废革屑对阴离子染料和阴离子表面活性剂的吸附,平衡吸附量随着pH升高而降低。

    Acidic pH value favors the adsorption of the anionic compounds and their adsorption capacities decrease with the increase of pH value . The adsorption capacities of dyes and surfactants increased with the rise of temperature .

  7. 纤维素改性剂PECH-amine用于阴离子染料废液脱色

    Cellulosic Fibers Modified by PECH-amine for the Decoloration of Waste Water of Anionic Dyestuff

  8. 实验结果表明,织物先整理后染色,则酸性、中性、直接等阴离子染料的K/S值下降,整理浴中加有三乙醇胺(TEA),有助于K/S值、鲜艳度的提高;

    The experiments show that K / S values of such anionic dyes as acid , metallized and direct dyes decrease when the fabric is finished before dyeing , with the value and brilliance improved in the presence of tri-ethanolamine ( TEA ) .

  9. 阴离子染料吸附剂ADA&4用于污水脱色的研究

    A Study on Adsorbent ADA-4 of Anionic Dyes for Effluent Decolourization

  10. 交联精氨酸对阴离子染料日落黄、柠檬黄的吸附行为

    Adsorption Behavior of Sunset Yellow and Tartrazine Using Crosslinked Arginine as Adsorbent

  11. 产物对阴离子染料日落黄和柠檬黄有良好的吸附性能。

    This prepared adsorbent has high adsorption capacities for sunset yellow and tartrazine .

  12. 含聚氧乙烯链季铵盐阳离子表面活性剂对阴离子染料染色的影响

    Influence of polyoxyethylene chain-containing quaternary ammonium salt cationic surfactants on the anionic dye dyeing

  13. 阴离子染料与阳离子化改性苎麻纤维结合的状态研究

    A Study on the Configuration of Combination of Anionic Dyes with Cationic Modified Ramie Fibre

  14. 实验表明阳离子淀粉对各种阴离子染料的吸附,主要是化学吸附。

    It has been found that the adsorption of anionic dyes on CST is chemical adsorption .

  15. 经过阳离子改性处理后的凹凸棒粘土,对阴离子染料的吸附性能有明显的增加,其饱和吸附量与染料分子中所带电荷量有关。

    The adsorption capacity cationic modified attapulgite clay was increased with different degree of anion dye .

  16. 结果表明,含铬废革屑能有效地去除水体中阴离子染料和阴离子表面活性剂。

    The results indicated that both anionic dyes and anionic surfactant could be significantly adsorbed by this novel adsorbent .

  17. 研究结果表明,整理液中添加三乙醇胺、聚乙二醇可大大提高阴离子染料对交联棉的可染性。

    Achieves the result of experiment to improve anionic dyes'dyeability on the fabrics with triethanolamine , polyethyleneglycol during finishing .

  18. 真丝绸经该接枝剂处理后,用阳离子染料进行染色,可提高上染百分率及染色牢度,而对阴离子染料有一定的阻染效果。

    It is found that such processes can improve dye_uptake and colour fastness , with blocking effects on anionic dyes .

  19. 实验结果表明,胺化改性后,其对阴离子染料有一定的吸附能力。

    The experimental results indicated that the modified fibers had certain adsorptive capacity to the anion dyes after the amination reaction .

  20. 从染色饱和值看,具有多磺酸基的阴离子染料在季铵化改性亚麻织物上易发生超当量吸附。

    Anion dye with several sulfonic groups occurs adsorption of overtaking in the number of mole when dyeing modified flax fabric .

  21. 本文研究了氢氧化镁对水溶性阴离子染料模拟废水的脱色规律及机理。

    The results showed that Mg ( OH ) 2 has an excellent performance in colour removal of soluble anionic dyes .

  22. 阴离子染料百里酚蓝与纳克级核酸的共振光散射光谱特性及其分析应用

    The Anionic Dye Thymol Blue React with Nucleic Acids and Determination of Nano-Gram Nucleic Acids by the Resonance Light Scattering Method

  23. 将笼状结构化合物引入到带氟碳链段的聚合物复合材料中,这类带笼状结构的聚合物具有优良的络合性能,可以捕捉阴离子染料分子,形成稳定的络合物。

    One kind of fluorine-carbon polymer with cage-like has been studied . It can form stable complex compounds with anionic dyes .

  24. 其中阴离子染料废水因具有良好的水溶性和理化特性,成为染料废水处理中的难点之一。

    One of which is the treatment of anion dyeing wastewater due to its good water solubility and physical and chemical characteristics .

  25. 茧衣在酸性条件下含有大量正电荷,对阴离子染料具有很好的吸附作用。

    Cocoon floss contains lots of positive charges in acid solution , so it can adsorb anion dye at acid condition theoretically .

  26. 活性炭的ζ电位对其吸附各种染料规律的影响4-活性炭对阴离子染料达旦黄的吸附

    The Effect of ζ Potential of Activated Carbon on the Adsorption of Dyes from Aqueous Solution 4-the Adsorption of Anionic Dye Titan Yellow

  27. 采用柠檬酸整理的棉织物往往白度较差,难以用阴离子染料染色。

    The treatment of cotton fabric with citric acid often adversely affect its whiteness and led to difficulty in dyeing with anionic dyes .

  28. 结果表明,样品对阴离子染料有很好的吸附性能,样品形貌对其吸附性能亦有影响。

    These results suggest that the samples prefer adsorbing anionic dyes and the morphology also have effect on the adsorption performance to some extent .

  29. 实验结果表明,改性可显著提高真丝绸阴离子染料染色上染率,降低染化料消耗,并提高了染色牢度。

    The modified silk showed the improved exhaustion rate , the decreased consumption of dyes and chemicals , and increased colour fastness with anion dyes .

  30. 以土壤作为环境处理剂,研究了不同温度、酸度条件下对不同类型染料的吸附及光催化行为,发现土壤对阳离子染料的吸附量大于阴离子染料,土壤对不同类型染料均具有光催化降解活性。

    The behaviors of absorption and photocatalytic degradation of dyes by soil were studied under different temperatures and pHs with soil as the environmental agent .