
  1. “咳,你还想怎么着?”她气愤地说。

    ' Well what did you expect ? ' she said crossly .

  2. 你要去蹦极?还想干什么?

    You 're going bungee jumping ? Whatever next ?

  3. 你可不能说来就来,还想无票入场。

    You can 't just pitch up and expect to get in without a ticket .

  4. 还想喝一杯吗?

    Would you like another drink ?

  5. 他还想抵赖,真不害臊!

    He tried to deny it . Shame on him !

  6. 尝起来像是假的,但是就这个价格你还想指望什么?

    It tastes artificial , but at that price what can you expect ?

  7. 如果一个人打猎而且还有自己的枪,你还想指望什么?

    If a guy hunts and owns guns , what do you expect ?

  8. 与此同时,他的将军们还想东山再起。

    In the meantime his generals will want to claw back some of their old influence .

  9. 你还想再来一块吗?

    Do you want another piece ?

  10. 他对我们感到十分满意,但还想看看是否有更合适的人选。

    He was very happy with us but wanted to see if the grass was greener elsewhere .

  11. 这部电影试图面面俱到——既是喜剧、爱情剧、梦幻剧,还想是讽刺剧。

    The film tries to be all things to all men — comedy , romance , fantasy , and satire .

  12. 我们不仅想在英国取得成功,还想在国际上扬名立万。

    We 're not just looking at making it big in the UK , we want to be big internationally .

  13. 我们仍有机会获得联赛冠军,而且我们还想一路杀进足总杯决赛。

    We 're still in the hunt for the League title and we want to go all the way in the Cup .

  14. 我要弄到开设言语治疗课程的经费了。但问题是,我不知道自己是否还想做下去。

    I 'm getting a grant for a speech therapy course . But the thing is , I don 't know whether I want to do it any more .

  15. 关于这一点我还想多说几句。

    I should like to enlarge a bit upon this point .

  16. 我还想跟他说话,没想到他蔫不唧儿地走了。

    I wanted to speak further with him , but he 'd slipped away .

  17. 成天磨嘴皮子不干活,还想升职?

    How do you expect to get a promotion if you chat all day and don 't do a stroke of work ?

  18. 她还想解释的是,关于这方面的礼仪,目前还没有对错之分,因为这项技术刚刚成为主流。

    She also wants to explain that there are no right or wrong answers regarding manners on this front yet , because the technology is just now becoming mainstream .

  19. 他们还想听听他关于如何制止霸凌的主意。

    They also wanted to hear his ideas to stop bullying .

  20. 他们还想乘船游览长江。

    They also want to take a cruise on the Yangtze River .

  21. 她还想帮助像她这样的人。

    She also wants to help people like her .

  22. 她还想去旅行,去参观电影片场。

    She also wants to go on a trip and to visit a movie set .

  23. 我还想在八月四日去你家拜访你。

    I would also like to visit you at your home on the fourth of August .

  24. 这个家庭只想在圣诞节有一个温暖的容身之处,除了这个,我们还想满足他们更多需求。

    We tried to exceed the needs of a family who only wanted a warm place on Christmas night .

  25. 一个青少年在做完家庭作业后,若还想参加任何任何活动,就必须熬夜才能把一切安排好。

    A teenager who wants to be able to take part in any activity besides homework must stay up late to fit everything in .

  26. 他很富有,但他还想贪图更多的钱。

    He is rich , but he is still avid of more money .

  27. 你每天都有三顿饱饭吃,你还想要求什么?

    You have three square meals every day . What more do you want ?

  28. 但是其他志愿者却有不同的感受,三分之二的志愿者表示还想在洞里多待一段时间。

    But other volunteers felt differently , with two-thirds saying they wanted to stay in the cave for longer .

  29. 因为我不觉得自己目前的工作是我下半辈子还想继续做的那种。

    Because I don 't think I 'm , you know , in a job that I want to be doing for the rest of my life necessarily .

  30. 伯昏瞀人说:“道德修养高深的人,处在任何情况下,都能做到气色不变,一如平常。就你目前这种样子,还想射中目标,看来着实有些悬乎。”

    Bohun Maoren said , " A man of much culture and virtue2 can remain calm in any situation . In you case , I doubt that you will hit the target ! "